Fall 2001 Mary's Plant Farm Newsletter
The fall planting season is upon us. And as we inventory the growing fields, we are tagging 'FALL SALE' items. We have never advertised sale items, allowing the customers dropping by to get the bargain. Again there will be no newspaper ads on this sale, only this notice to these on our mailing list. We must thin the field rows so the state plant inspector can get through. There are many large shade and ornamental trees and shrub varieties on sale. We have over 12 varieties of flowering Malus (crabapple), for any size restriction and shape, that give spring bloom, summer and winter fruit for birds and color throughout the season. These do not drop their fruit on the ground and are disease resistant. Many are at wholesale prices. Also the Syringa, Reticulata (Japanese Tree Lilac), the last lilac of the season, with its fragrant June bloom, make a nice formal shade tree, in clump or single trunk form These are an outstanding, hard to find tree, and many of these will be at wholesale prices. Everyone admires the Ilex Opaca 'Merry Christmas' (native American Holly) behind the sales barn area. We are selling gorgeous 6'- 7' B&B at the 4' price of $225.00. This is quite a buy on these hard to find evergreens. Don't forget the large viburnums that are great for screening and have berries for the birds. Also deer do not like all viburnums, if you're having deer damage. These wonderful shrubs come in all shapes, sizes, bloom type, berry and fall foliage color. There are 7'-8' (in the bluest of blue spruce), Picea 'Blue Ice', P. 'Morerheim' and P. 'Bakeri' that are reduced. If we let them get too large, we can't handle them. Take a look through the nursery frames to find additional sale items on one of a kind trees, shrubs and other plants
If you are looking for the rarer, hard to find flowering trees etc., that you see listed in Wayside Garden's and others, they are available here, balled and burlaped not in gallon pots. Such as: Cercis (Redbud), 5 varieties, C. 'Silver Cloud' - variegated foliage, C. 'Forest Pansy - purple foliage, C. Alba - white bloom, C. Covey 'Lavender Twist' - weeping form.. Fagus -10 varieties including F. 'Tricolor', 34 varieties of Lilac, 10 varieties or Cornus (Dogwood) including later blooming C. Kousa, C. K. 'Lustgarten Weeping', C.K. 'Satomi' - pink bloom, C.K. 'Milky Way', also Katsura, Franklinia, Yellowwood, and Seven Son's flowering trees. We also have the Lespedezia that 'Horticulture Magazine' will have an article about in the Nov./Dec. issue. These and other fall flowers will be discussed at our fall seminar Sept. 22nd. Please call for time and registration. This is a free seminar.
Fall is the time to plant your spring blooming bulbs, and we will again have the 'baker's dozen' landscape size daffodils on sale. All daffodils, jonquils, triandus and cyclemanus are in the narcissus family. All the bulbs that need to be planted in the fall, for that gorgeous spring color will be here after September 1st. We order only top size bulbs, direct from Holland. Bulbs are graded as to size, just as roses are. Many people end up with inferior bulbs from discount stores and wonder why the bulbs did not perform as they should have. It is not worth putting all that energy into planting inferior bulbs, good bulbs cost no more than seconds. Don't just plant the Daffodils, Tulips and Hyacinths, but all the bulbs you ask about on seeing them blooming here from the end of February through October. Alliums in all colors and sizes, Camassia with 3' spikes of blue or white in May, Eremerus in June, Lycoris for August color, Scilla Campanulata for May and early June, will grow in sun or shade and multiply every year till you can cut 12" long stems for bouquets. And don't forget the 'little' bulbs. Those lovely small blooming Chiondoxa, Puskinia, Muscaria, Eranthus and Iris that seed into drifts, or are the first bloom to greet you in February
I know some gardeners rely on mums for fall color but nothing gives a more unusual effect then the fall blooming Colchicums. They multiply rapidly, making them more cost effective, and are truly winter hardy. Don't forget the fall blooming Sternbergia and fall blooming crocus varieties including Crocus Sativus (Saffron) for those who wish to grow their own for cooking. If your looking for fresh fall blooming perennials, try the dwarf aster varieties 'Alert' in rose red and 'Purple Dome'. These compact long blooming plants are field grown anbd ready to give your fall landscape a burst of color. And remember the fall blooming Cycleman 'Coum', a rare gem in the garden. By planting berried shrubs, trees and fall blooming bulbs and perennials, your landscape can be as colorful as it was in May. Fall is really a great time for planting. The ground is usually in perfect shape, with a bit of moisture and still warm. It takes a while for soil to cool, and the roots of plants have a chance to get established. Then in the spring, while the ground is so cold and wet, the plants are already growing the second the ground thaws.
We will have the new crop of dried Hydrangea, Celosia and herbs in the 'Crafter's Barn'. Also many unusual dried flower varieties and glycerined foliage for those who are decorating for fall and the upcoming holidays.
Remember even though we stop our regular business hours November 1st, we continue to dig and work in the field. So if you need to stop by and pick something up, just call us for and appointment to make sure were available.
Mary's Plant Farm & Landscaping
2410 Lanes Mill Road
Hamilton, Ohio 45013
Fall Business Hours:
Tues. - Fri. 9:30 am . to 6:30 p.m.
Sat. 9:30 a m. to 5:00 p.m.
©Mary Harrison 2001