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Fall 2002 Mary's Plant Farm Newsletter

     September 2002 This summer's heat and drought has shown us plants that seem to thrive regardless. The amazing thing to us has been the magnolias, which like a lot of water, yet have not had to be watered. The evergreen southern type, M. 'Bracken Brown' and M. Edith Bogue' and the deciduous varieties have withstood the drought. Most herbs are drought tolerant, lavenders, artimisias, santolina both silver and green. The thymes in the shade have fared better than those in constant sun and the 95 plus degrees. The Vitex shrubs continue with their lovely blue bloom, also Caryopteris. No wilted foliage or insect damage on these shrubs nor the Cephalanthus (Button Bush) or the beautiful mahogany foliage of Physocarpus Diabolo (Ninebark). The color combination of the dark foliaged 'Diabolo' is especially attractive if it is planted by the 'Dart's Gold' Ninebark variety. The rudbeckias including the Gloriosa and R. Lacinata, with its yellow Dahlia like flowers, looking crisp even when the R. Goldstrum (Black-eyed Susan) look a little weary by evening. But they recover with the cooler night air. The pink Lycoris Squamegeri (Magic Lilies) are popping up everywhere, even though the ground looks like cement. They are giving us great color tucked next to the R. Goldstrum daisies.

     I hope you are watering your older shrubs, trees and evergreens. We're getting so many calls asking why limbs are dying and leaves dropping. Callers seemed shocked when we say water and dig down to be sure its getting to the roots. I know some areas have had rain. It has been very spotty according to those I talked to from other areas. We're now looking forward to the fall blooming bulbs; they never fail us. The Colchicums should start popping up everywhere, including in the woodland. This year we found a source for seven new varieties. Colchicums are a hardy carefree perennial bulb, not planted enough in American gardens. Also the hardy Cyclamen blooms are starting. The leaves will come and be evergreen and they are so beautiful all winter, along with the Arum Italica variegata. Then there are the yellow Sternbergia and fall crocus varieties, including C. Sativus (Saffron) for cooking. Remember the saffron spice is the pollen from the bloom. With all the fall blooming plants, do not forget now is the time for spring bulbs. As usual we will have many unusual minor bulbs along with narcissus, tulip, alliums, camassia, and on and on. If you plant wisely, you can have bulbs blooming from spring through October. If you are in doubt, we'll help you plan. We're finalizing the moving of the Hemerocallis (Daylily) to the north field, so we're offering 6 clumps for $21.00, your choice of color. There are sale prices on some stock of trees and shrubs in the field. Disease resistant flowering malus, Syringa reticulata, and some large and very blue named and grafted blue spruce. We've started fall digging of peonies, also tree peonies, in all colors, singles and doubles. Peonies should only be dug in the fall for good spring bloom.

     We have had frequent requests for the classes that we have offered in the past. We won't have classes, but will have demonstrations on the making of topiaries, wreaths and arrangements for your Thanksgiving and Christmas decorating, using dried materials, boxwood, silk, nut and cone, etc. There will be some supplies and dried materials available for purchase and our gift shop is stocked with gift and decorating items. The demonstrations will be 1 hour long, at 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Saturdays from September 28th to October 26th.

     For those who wish to special order an item, we will continue to make special decorator pieces to fit your décor. For those who enjoy reading, or like to buy ahead for Christmas gifts, we have many excellent gardening books on all subjects including, wildflowers, roses, native, herbs, landscaping, water gardening etc. Many of the Ken Druse gardening books on shade and natives are available along with Peter Loewer's books that Timber Press is reprinting. We admit we should have had him sign the copies we have, while he was here, but we have a good selection and they are priced 10% off. We have sale prices on many others, up to 50% off on some.

     Remember to check out our website www.MARYSPLANTFARM.COM throughout the winter months. New plants for spring will be listed prior to our nursery opening April first. Along with more pictures and gardening information.

Good Gardening!

Mary's Plant Farm & Landscaping
2410 Lanes Mill Road
Hamilton, Ohio 45013

Fall Hours:
Tues - Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Open through Oct. 31st.
November through March by Appointment


©Mary Harrison 2002