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The sizes of plants sold are not young transplants, but plants ready to go into the landscape: the same plants that are sold directly at the nursery.

**   rockery

Grasses are gallon size except where noted. Most of the grasses form clumps increasing in size each year. Spreading varieties are so noted. All good to Z5.

ARRHENATHERUM ELATIUS V. Bulsosum 'Variegatum' (Var. Bulbous Oat Grass) - 8" dwf. ** green & white 4" pot $4.50

CALAMAGROSTIS x acutiflora 'Overdam' - varigated foliage 3 neat clump $12.50 more information

CALAMAGROSTIS x acutiflora 'Karl Forester'' - upright, clumping growth, 4'-5' tall, feathery plumes Z4-9 3 gal $28.95  

CHASMANTHIUM LATIFOLIUM, Uniola L. (Northern Sea Oats) - foliage looks more like bamboo, cut seed heads while green for drying, reseeds if not cut back before bloom dries. Good for oriental gardens. 2 1/2  1 gal.  $9.50

ELYMUS ARENARIUS Blue Dunne (Blue Lyme Grass)-2'-3' blue foliage, Z4-10,  1 gal.  $12.50  more information

FESTUCA OVINA Glauca 'Elijah Blue'- ** 10" spiky blue evergreen mounds, Z4-10, 1 qt. $6.89

HAKONECHLOA macra 'Aureola' (Golden Variegated Hakone Grass, Golden Japanese Forest Grass) - bright yellow- green variegated grass for shade to semi-shade, dwarf 18" tall, Z5 1 gal. $16.50 more information

HELICTOTRICHON, Blue Oat Sapphire- 2' blue color foliage fountain shape, evergreen , 1 gal. $12.50

IMPERATA 'Red Baron' (Japanese Blood Grass) - dwarf red tipped foliage, green base 4 pot $8.95

M. Sacchariflorus (Amur Silver) - silvery plumes $6.75
M. Sinensis 'Gracillimus' (Maiden Grass) - graceful 5' $9.50
M. Sinensis 'Morning light' - varigated foliage $12.50
M. Sinensis 'Zebrinus' - tallest striped foliage 6' $12.50
M. Sinensis 'Variegata' - varigated foilage 4' $12.95

- Switch Grass, nice-neat 3 1/2 $12.50

PHALARIS, ARUNDINACEA PICTA (Striped Ribbon Grass) - loves moisture, invasive (heritage plant aka Decoration Day grass) $5.50

PENNISETUM more information
P. alopecuroides   - 3' $9.50
P. a. 'Hamelin' - dwarf 2' $9.50
P. purpurescens 'Viradescens' - 18" foxtail like bloom, looks black $12.50

S. scoparium 'Blaze' (Little Bluestem) - colorful fine-leaved, red through fall and winter 1'-2' tall $11.99
S. scoparium 'The Blues' - deep blue foliage for summer and burgundy red fall color, 3' tall $11.99

GUARANTEE: Each order we send will be filled with stock of fine quality, packed with care to reach you in good live growing condition. If you are not entirely satisfied, return it at once for refund minus postage.

We are not responsible to replace plants that have failed due to conditions beyond our control such as possible neglect, weather, growing conditions or the lack of experience on the part of the gardener.

A Word About Native Plants: We offer many native varieties because we like them, but we do not collect them from the wild. We grow them from cuttings or seeds, and are listed as Native.

Prices subject to change.

All Material © Mary's Plant Farm, 2000-2006.

To order, go here: How to Order, or email with your questions.

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Last updated 2006 January 18.

See A Woodland Rose Garden for Kent Krugh's garden.