Nursery - Mary's Plant Farm Nursery, Garden Center, and Landscaping. Unusual plants, gift shop, weddings, florist services. We sell shrubs, trees, roses, perennials, bulbs, containers, garden statuary, etc.

   Mary's Plant Farm
2410 Lanes Mill Road     Hamilton, Ohio  45013
phone: 513-894-0022     fax: 513-892-2053     

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Mary's Plant Farm


Gloriosa daisy

We offer hardy and under-used perennials. Such as Gloriosa Daisy (Rudibeckia).
GERANIUM - Z5 G. Ann Folkard - golden foliage, dk. purple bl.; G. Dalmaticum - 6" pink bl. spring; G. Ibericum - 18" purple bl. summer; G. Johnson's Blue - 18" May; G. Lancastriense - (striatum) - ** 6" all summer bl., spreads; G. Macrorrhizum Bevins - pink with scented foliage, spring bl. 10"; G. Mac. Album - white, spring bl., scented foliage 10"; G. Maculatum - see WILDFLOWER LISTING G. Sanquineum - 18" rose/red mounds, trim back mid summer for more bl., good fall foliage color; G. S. Alba - mounds of white single bloom, spring; G. S. 'John Elsley' - purplish single bl. 8"; G. S. Max Frei - deep rose bl., 4, compact; G. S. New Hampshire Purple - darker, larger bloom 6"; G. Endressii Wargrave Pink " - pink, spreads;GLORIOSA DAISY (Rudibeckia) R. Pinwheel or Irish Eyes - 2 1/2' bloom height, July/Nov.; GYPSOPHILIA - need good drainage, hot sun and space G. Paniculata - best for drying 3'; G. Repens Rosea or Alba ** pink, summer 4"; G. Bristol Fairy - dbl. white 3; HELENIUM - 3' prefers some shade and moisture, fall bloom, trim in June & July to force more buds, sprays of small daisy like bl. H. Autumnale - mix of golds, rust, reds; HELIANTHUS, decapetalus - fall bloom, like golden Dahlias 3-4' excellent cut flower; HELIOPSIS - deep gold summer bl. 3', good cut flowe; HELLEBORUS (these are blooming size plants.) H. Argutifolius Corsicus - holly type foliage, small lime green bloom 1gal; H. Foetidis - blooms set by Christmas, chartreuse/purple edge bl. 1 gal.; H. Niger (Christmas Rose) - white bloom, earliest bl. 2 gal; H. Orientalis (Lenten Rose) - lime and lav. with purple spots

We grow over 1600 named varieties of Hemerocallis.
Diploids & tetroploids. The type, variety or color is endless. There are spider types, trumpets, reflexed or twisted sepals, curled or ruffled sepals and petals. Colors range from near white thru black-reds and everything in between except blue. Bloom periods are from mid May thru September, and height from 1' thru the altissimas at 5' to 6'. We dig and ship from March thru October.
 water lilly

Visit Mary's pond where water-lillies thrive.

Shrub and tree peonies are forever. Some here are heritage.
April Hybrids (singles) - soft pink, br. red or watermelon; Bowl of Beauty - bright rose, yl. center Edulis Supreme - deep pink dbl; Festivia Maxima - dbl. white; Felix Crouse - dbl. red; Mon Jules Elie - dbl. bomb type pink with outer petals; Requieum - sgl. pale pink, wonderful foliage; Sarah Bernhardt - dbl. pink; Krinkled White - sgl. white, late; Tenufolium - fern leaf red; Tree Peony (no mail order) 4-5 yr. old blooming size pink, white, yellow, purple, red;
 rosa harisonii

We grow, display, and sell hardy old garden roses, climbers, rugosas, English, Buck, and shrub roses.  (r. Harrisonii)
SHRUBS & OLDE ROSES Alba Semi Plena (White Rose of York) - clusters semi-dbl white, fragrant, large elongated rose hips, spring bl. only, 6; Alexander Mackenzie (shrub) - clusters (6-12) deep red cupped bl., disease resistant foliage, 6, repeat bloom, Z4; Ballerina (Musk) (OR) - single pink bl. forms Hydrangea like clustes, everblooming 3, Z4; Betty Prior (Floribunda) - clusters single pink, everblooming, 3, Z5; Cardinal de Richelieu(Gallica) 1840 - fragrant dbl mauve/pink bl. darkens to purple violet with silver reverse; Champlain (Kordessii) (OR) - masses dark red bloom, red fall foliage, everblooming even in extreme heat, 3 1/2, into late fall, Z4; Charles de Mills (OR) - pre 1885 maroon crimson quartered bl. ages to purple, strong fragrance, sometimes repeats bloom, 5; Chuckles - single dark rose-pink bl., everblooming, 2 Z4; Common Moss (Moss) (OR) - mossy buds dbl. pink quartered, fragrant bl. & foliage, June bloom, Z3

All Material © Mary's Plant Farm, 2000, 2001.

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Last updated 2000 June 14.

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See A Woodland Rose Garden for Kent Krugh's garden.