Mary's Plant Farm home
The sizes of plants sold are not young transplants, but field grown plants ready to go into the landscape: the same plants that are sold directly at the nursery. These are blooming size plants. We do not pot all plants in gallon size containers, but pot them in the correct size container for the root system and its required growing space.
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Quick find. Select first letter of perennial:
A. Spinosa - hardier Z5, qt. $7.99, 1 gal. $12.99
A. mollis - lobed shaped foliage, faster spreading variety $12.99
A. filipendula 'Coronation Gold - large flat gold bloom heads, 3 1/2’ $8.50
A. 'The Pearl' - white bloom, clumps rapidly, 2 $3.50
A. tomentosa 'Maynard's Gold' - **creeping, bloom 6" yellow , for sun & dry area $6.50
A. millifolium 'Red Beauty'- red bloom, June-August $4.99
A. napellus - 3' deep blue, nice, May/June $6.25
A. carmichaelii, syn. A. fischeri (Azure Monkshood)- 2 purple bloom Aug/Sept. $6.25
A. confusa - early summer blooming variety, more drought tolerant, nodding deep blue 1" long bells, fragrant, 36" tall Z 3-8 $7.50 LIMITED
AGAPANTHUS 'Headborne Hybrid' - dense blue, 10" flower cluster on 5' stems, blooms summer to fall, Z7, 1 gal. $12.99
A. Vulgaris (Mollis) - beautiful evergreen foliage, chartreuse sprays of apple scented bloom $8.50
A. cernum (Nodding Onion) - lavender/light pink with pendant-like bell shaped flowers, June to August, 18” tall $4.99
A. c. stellatum (midwest native) - 12" tall, pink, August bloom $5.99
A. neopolitanum - white, spring, fragrant fiberous roots $5.99 more information
A. senescens 'Glaucum' - 1" rose bloom Aug., 6" narrow twisted foliage fiberous roots $5.50
A. s. 'Mongolium Gem' - 2" lav/pink ball bloom, 18" tall $5.75
ALYSSUM, Saxatile ** (Aurinia) - yellow mounds, spring $5.99
A. 'Blue Ice" - dwarf 12" tall, dark blue $9.50
A. taberanaemontana - "Eastern Bluestar", clear blue bloom, 3'-4' native 2 qt. $6.50, 1 gal. $12.95
A. hubrictii - true blue flowers, fine needled foliage turning yellow in fall,
2'-3', 1 qt. $5.99, gal. $9.99
A. canadensis (Spring White) - 12" small white bloom in Spring, spreads $4.00
A. x hupehensis ' September Charm' - silvery pink, 3', fall bloom $7.25
A. sylvestris - 14", large white bloom most of summer $5.50
A. multifida Rubra - carmine red flowers in May/June, 10"-12", Z4, $5.99 </
A. neumerosa - blue daisy bloom in spring, 4" tall, makes a low mound 4" pot $6.99
A. pulsatilla - purple, Spring 8" $5.75
A. x h. 'Lorelei' - double pink flowers Aug- Oct. 3' tall $7.25
A. x h. Vitifolia 'Robustissima' - pink bloom 3' (fall bloom) $7.25
A. x h. 'Whirlwind' - semi-double white bloom 3', fall bloom $7.25
ANTHEMIS (Golden Margurite) * yellow daisy bloom June 1 1 /2 ' $6.25
Mix of purples and blues qt. $4.99, half gal. $6.25
A. canadensis (Wild Columbine) - see WILDFLOWER LISTING
A. 'Beidermeier' - mix bloom colors, dwarf variety 12" tall qt. $5.75
A. procurrens - evergreen mats, earliest bloom, white $5.50
A. sturri - creeping, white bloom, spring $5.50
A. 'Bloodstone' - dark pink ball shaped looms 8"-10" tall, qt. pot $6.50, gal $8.50
A. "Formosa Hybrids" ** leafless fl. stems 15" arising from tufts of grassy foliage, pinks-corals, 1 gal. $8.50
ARUM ITALICUM VARIEGATA *(tuber) -foliage evergreen in winter after late summer dormancy, striking stalk of red berries at maturity $5.50
SEEDS $2.50 for packet of 35-40 seeds.
Arum maculatum - green foliage spotted black, dormant during summer months - rare $12.00
A. dioicus 'Child of Two Worlds'(Goat's Beard) - cream bloom likes moisture 3', Native $6.99
ARTEMISIA * - well drained, sun areas for silver color & drying for wreaths
A. abrotanum (Southern Wood) $4.00
A. absinthium - fragrant $4.99
A. ludoviciana (Silver King) - for arranging & drying $5.00
A. purshiana - broader leaf & plumes than Silver King $5.00
A. 'Powis Castle' - mounds, qt. $6.99, gal. $8.99
A. schmidtiana 'Silver Mound' - feathery silver foliage mounds, 18" tall, Z3 - $5.75
A. lactiflora - cream plumes 4', wonderful with fall anemones $5.75
A. versicolor - narrow contorted foliage $7.50
ASARUM (Ginger)
A. arifolium (Little Brown Jug) - shade, fragrant leaves, evergreen $11.25 LIMITED
A. canadensis - decidious native $8.99 more information
A. europaeum (European Ginger) - shiny foliage, evergreen $11.49
A. tuberosa (Gay Butterflies, Butterfly Weed) - July, orange bloom, native $7.50 NO MAIL ORDER ON THIS PLANT
A. dumosus 'Wood's Blue' - lavender-blue flowers for 4-6 weeks in late summer to early fall, compact, mildew and rust resistant, dark green foliage, 8"-12", excellent for containers also, Z3 $6.50
A. d. 'Wood's Pink' - pink bloom, $6.50
A. frikartii 'Wunder Von Stafa' - blue daisy, all summer bloom 2' $5.75 Sold Out 2015
A. novae-angliae 'Harrington's Pink'-3' suggest pruning till August $6.25 more information
A. novae-angliae 'Hella Lacy' - deep purple $6.99
A. novae-angliae 'Purple Dome' - purple with gold center 18" $6.75
A. "New England Mix" - violet or pink, prune till August 3', native, 1 qt.$5.50, 1 gal. $6.99
A. oblongifolius 'Dream of Beauty' (Fragrant Aster) - masses of pink flowers with burnt orange centers in fall, makes large clumps, green and grey foliage, 12"x24", Z4 $6.99
A. o. 'October Sky' - sky blue bloom, Sept-Oct, 18" tall, Z4 qt. $6.99 gal. $9.50
A. 'Professor Kleppindorf' - large lavender blue flowers, shiny foliage, long fall bloom, $6.99
A. japonica 'Red Sentinel' - full intense red plumes, 20" - 24" tall $7.50
A. chinensis Pumila - dwarf lavendar $6.50
A c. ‘Superba’ - long magenta pink plumes, 36"-40" tall mid-late Z3-8 $7.50
AUBRETIA ** earliest bloom, tolerates drought, mounds 4"
A. 'Bengal' - semi-double flowers, mixed colors Z4 $6.50
A. Leichtlinii - carmin-rose bloom, 6" tall, Z4, $6.50
A. saxatilis (Basket of Gold, syn. Allysum saxitile) - clusters of bright gold bloom, grey green foliage mat, early spring bloom, 10" tall, Z4 $6.25
BAPTISIA 2 gallon size
B. ‘Carolina Moonlight’ yellow bloom spikes, early summer, 3’ tall, native Z4-8, 2 gal. $19.95
B. 'Solar Flare PrairieBlues' -Lemon yellow bloom with orange blush as they mature, blue-green foliage Z4 $19.99
B. 'Prairie Blues’ dark purple bloom, 3’ native Z4-8 $36.95 (4 gal.)
B. ‘Twilite Prairieblues’- red purple blooms with yellow base, giving a chocolate appearance, 3’ tall, Z4-8, $19.99
B. australis (Blue false indigo) - blue spikes, Sweet Pea shape bloom 3', $19.99
B. a. minor - (lesser false indigo) dwarf blue spikes$19.99
B. lactea leucantha - white bloom spikes, 3' tall, $19.99
B. a. 'Purple Smoke' - purple spikes, 2'-3' tall, $19.99
BEGONIA GRANDIS (Evansiana) - Sept. bloom, looks like Angel Wing Begonia but hardy, 2 1 /2, 3' tall $8.50
BELAMACANDA chinensis - sm. lily like blooms along 2' tall stems, July/Sept. mix colors $7.95
BERGENIA, Cordifolia fall color photo - large. heavy textured foliage, pink bloom in spring, nice winter foliage, turns rose, 1 gal $12.95
BLETILLA striata - hardy orchid, bright pink bloom Z6 $9.99
BOCCONIA (Macleaya) Plumed Poppy, 'Coral Plume' - striking large silver, backed copper, foliage 5' (spreads) $5.50
B. macrophylla - perennial For-Get-Me-Not, spring bloom, 1 qt. $6.50, 1 gal. $9.50
C. glomerata superba 'Joan Elliot' - purple spikes 2' spring, May $6.99
C. glomerata 'Alba' - white bloom, 2', RARE $7.50
C. 'Kent Belle' - glossy purple bell-shaped 2" blooms, upright 24", abundant flowers, reblooming $9.50
C. persicifolia 'Alba' -white spikes of bells, 24" $5.25 Limited
C. persicifolia coerulea** blue spikes of bells 24"', May $7.50
C. posckarskyana** (Blue Stars) photo2 6” creeping, May $6.50
C. punctata - lavender bells, invasive habit. 2' tall, $6.50
C. punctata'Cherry Bells' - cherry red bells edged white, 24"-30" tall $8.50
C. punctata 'Elizabeth' - tubular burgundy bells on 24" stems, lovely $7.50 (Sold Out 2015)
C. raddeana - large deep violet-purple bells, triangular glossy foliage, summer bloom, 6" tall, suitable for groundcover - $6.00
C. (Senna) - shrub like, grows to 4'-5' tall, bloom in mid-late summer, yellow bloom spikes, seeds if allowed, sun or semi-shade, native Z4, 1 gal. $19.95, 2 gal. $24.99
C. dealbata - purple 2 1 /2 ' , May $5.50
C. macrocephala - bold yellow thistle like fl. 3' $5.75
C. rubra 'Pretty Betsy' - red flowers, glossy foliage, 24"-36", Z5 $8.50
C. 'Alba' - white bloom 2' tall, gal. $8.50
CERASTIUM TOMENTOSUM 'YoYo' ** silver ground cover with white bloom May, $8.50 gal.
C. glabra- white- Aug. likes moisture, native $8.00
C. lyonni - rose-scarlet flowers, 24" - 30" tall, Aug-Sept, native, Z 3 $8.00
C. lyonii 'Hot Lips' - deep hot pink, glossy dark green leaves, tinted bronze in spring, red stems, 2'-4' tall Z3 $8.00
C. oblique- rose bloom, blushed pink $8.00
C. oblique alba - white bloom, 3', $8.00
C. coccineum 'Robinson's Red' (see PYRETHRUM)
C. parthenium (aka Matricaria) - double white bloom repeats May thru Nov, 2’, sun/shade $4.99
C leucanthemum (see SHASTA DAISY)
C. rubellum 'Clara Curtis' (aka Dendranthemum) - pink daisy bloom, all summer 2' $8.50
C. superbum 'Becky' - see Shasta
CLEMATIS (also see CLIMBER LISTING) more information
- These varieties are wonderful, eye catching, rare forms of bush type clematis for the garden. They can be left self supported or woven on a short fence, over a short wall, or used on a shorter garden trellis.
C. fruiticosa 'Mongolion Gold' - yellow bell clusters, Summer 1 gal. $19.95
C. integrifolia - bush type, sprays of blue bloom, June 1/2 gal. $19.95
C. integrifolia 'Alba' - white, four-petaled, downward facing flowers, mid summer, unique seed heads, 2' tall, Z4, 2 gal, $19.95
C. integrifolia 'Rosea' - clear pink with lilac reverse, downward facing, four petalled bell shaped blooms, fragrant, 3' tall, Z4, 2 gal, $19.95
C. recta - bush type, 36”, sprays of small open creamy bloom, May/June 1 gal. $24.50
C. recta purpurea - bush type dark bronze, foliage in full sun, cream bloom 1 gal. $24.50
CONVALLARIA, Lily of the Valley fragrant, white bells (15 pips) $6.50
C. auriculata 'Nana' - low clump-forming dark green foliage, orange bloom all summer, 8" - $5.50
C. a. 'Zamphir' - yellow/orange tubular petals, makes booms 12" tall, summer blooming, $5.75
C. g. 'Presto' - semi double gold blooms with reddish eye, 18" tall, all summer bloom, drought tolerant $5.75
C. verticillata 'Moonbeam' ** fern leaf, light yellow bloom, 1', $5.99
C. r. 'Zegreb' - ** fern leaf, yellow bloom, 8", does not run, $6.50
CROCOSMIA 'Lucifer' - red bloom on spikes, bulb, summer bloom, one pot with 3 bulbs for $6.50
CYCLAMEN hederifolium (Hardy Cyclamen) see BULB LISTING
D. 'Connecticut Yankee'- very large blooms, mixed colors, long lived variety Z3 24"-30" $7.50
D. tricorne - (Dwarf Larkspur, Spring Larkspur) native delphinium, purple bloom, May, 12" tall $4.99 more info
D. a. 'Frosty Fire' - silver foliage with double, dark red 6" tall blooms, deadhead for all summer bloom $5.99
D. "Clove Pinks" (species mix) - height 6" fragrant $5.99
D. g. 'Firewitch' - bright rose pink, finged petal, 6" tall $5.99
D. 'First Love' - intensely fragrant bloom that changes from pure white to deep rose, blooms Apr. to frost $5.99
D. g. 'Ginger Kisses' - 2 tone pink flowers over 5" tall blue foliage, prolonged bloom, $5.99
D. 'Prairie Pink' -large fragrant pink blooms with eye ring, 12" tall, Z3, $5.99
D. pulmarius 'Dad's Favourite' - fragrant semi-double white with maroon edge 10" tall $5.99
D. s. 'Red Feather' - rose red feathery edged petals, 10" tall $5.99
D. spectabilis - (pink) 2 1/2 ' goes dormant summer 1 gal $7.50
D. spectabilis Alba - (white) 2 1/2 ' goes dormant summer 1 gal $7.50
D. formosa 'Luxuriant' - (pink) 18", blooms all summer, shade 1 qt. $9.50
DICONDRA 'Silver Falls' - heat tolerant, silver-rounded leaf, 4' trailing, Z10 $4.50 FANTASTIC!
DICTAMNUS - Gas Plant, 2 1/2 ' (once these are planted they improve with age and resent being moved)
Dictamnus albus 'Rubra' - (pink) $14.95 Limited
Dictamnus albus 'Alba' - (white) $14.95 Sold Out 2015
DIGITALIS * (perennial varieties)
D. lutea - 12"-14" yellow bloom spikes, truly perennial $6.50
D. grandiflora ' - 4'-5' flower spikes in unusual shades, bienniel $6.50
D. mertonensis - 4' rose pink $7.99
D. thapsi 'Spanish Pinks' - rose red bloom 3' tall $6.50
ECHINACEA more information
E. 'Kim's Knee High' - clear pink petals, orange cone, reblooms, native, 20" tall $12.00 Limited
E. paradox - yellow coneflower, 24" tall, Z3, $7.50
E. purpurea 'Magnus' - mauve/pink 3' $7.50
E. tennesseensis - (Tennessee cone flower), pink blooms all summer, 24" tall, Z4, $9.50 more information
E. alba - white bloom, 3' $7.50
ECHINOPS - blue ball, July/Aug. 3 1/2 ', dries well , qt. $4.25, 1 gal. $6.75
ELSCHOLTZIA (mint shrub)
E. stauntonii - pink bloom spikes, Sept-Oct making a 3' shrub, shade, 1gal. $19.95, 2 gal. $28.95
E. stauntonii 'Alba' - white bloom, mint scented foliage, 1 gal. $19.95 LIMITED
E. x isabellinus 'Ruiter Hybrids' (Foxtail Lily) - mix colors of pastels, late spring bloom (shipped fall only) $9.95
E. chamaedryoides 'Roseum' (Baby Swiss Geranium) - single pink bloom 2", Z7, wonderful house plant, miniature $4.50 (Not Available in 2015)
E. chrysanthum (Yellow Storksbill) - pale yellow flowers over finely dissected gray leaves, spring bloom, rebloom in through-out summer, needs good drainage, lovely contrast plant in the garden. Z4 $7.50
E. amethystinum (See Holly) - metalic blue teasel-like flowers in July/Aug, Z5, $7.50
E. 'Blue Hobbit'- purplich blue blooms, silvery stems, Dwarf 8"-10" tall, Z4, $6.50
E. coelestinum (Hardy Ajeratum) 16" fall bloom, grows well in wet or dry, sun or shade, spreads, lovely, cut flower, native qt. $4.50
E. rugosum (white snakeroot) native - native, white floss flowers, September - $4.50
E. fistulosum (Joe Pye Weed) - Aug. bloom, native 1 gal. $7.50 more information
E. maculatum 'Atropurpureum Gateway' (Joe Pye Weed) - purple tinted foliage, wine red bloom, 6' to 7' tall, 1 gal, $7.50
E. rugosum ‘Chocolate’ - dark foliage, wh. bloom, fall 1 qt. $5.75
EUPHORBIA (these are non-invasive)
E. marginata - self seeding annual, sun or part shade, 2'-3' tall, late summer, sold as seed only $1.99
E. myrsinites ** - striking blue green foliage, excellent for wall, dwf. $5.50
E. polychroma (Epithymoides) - 15" yellow $6.00
E. cyparisias - see GROUND COVER LISTING
FARFUGIUM japonicum 'Aureomaculatum' (Ligularia Leopard) - round glossy green foliage, spotted yellow, round yellow daisy bloom, 12" tall, Z7 $14.95
FILIPENDULA (formerly called Spirea)
F. (hexapetala) vulgaris - 18" cream bloom, foliage is fernlike $6.99
F. rubra 'Venusta Magnifica' - bright pink 4', loves wet areas $8.25
F. v. 'Plena' - double creamy white plumes, relatively drought tolerant, 20" tall, Z 3-8 $8.75
FRAGARIA 'Lipstick' (Alpine Strawberry)- deep rose blooms in spring produce small edible tart strawberries, groundcover or great for container 8" tall Z3 $5.99
G. Ballerina - 2" tall, deep pink bloom, good for ground cover also $8.50
G. dalmaticum - 6" pink bloom spring $7.75
G. endressii ‘Wargrave Pink’ - pink, spreads, for ground cover $7.50
G. 'Sue Crug' - mauve magenta flowers with dark veining that forms an eye, 16" tall, April-Aug. bloom, Z4-8 $7.25 Sold Out 2015
G. macrorrhizum ‘Bevins’ - pink with scented foliage, spring bloom 10" $8.50
G. m. 'Variegatum' - randomed cream splashed foliage with bright magenta flowers, stable variegation. Z4 $10.50
G. m. 'Album' - white, spring bloom, scented foliage 10" $8.50
G. maculatum - see WILDFLOWER LISTING
G. p. 'Splish Splash' - unusual bicolor flowers of random violet blue splashes on white background, summer blooming,2' tall, brilliant orange fall foliage, Z5-8 $9.50
G. sanguineum - 18" rose/red mounds, trim back mid summer for more bloom, good fall foliage color $9.50
G. s. Alba - mounds of white single bloom, spring $9.50
G. s. 'Ankum's Pride' - fluorescent pink flowers, all summer bloom, 7" tall $9.99
G. s. 'Elke' - pink flowers with white center and edges, red bronze foliage, 8" tall and mounding habit, all summer bloom $9.99
G. s. Lancastriense - (striatum) - ** 6" all summer bloom, spreads $9.99
G. s. Max Frei - deep rose bloom, 4”, compact $9.50
G. s. New Hampshire Purple - darker, larger bloom 6" $9.50
G. s. 'Shepards Warning' - 6" high, deep pink $9.50
R. ‘Pinwheel’- 2 1/2' bloom height, July/Nov. $5.50
GYPSOPHILIA - need good drainage, hot sun and space
G. 'Bristol Fairy' - double bloom white 3' $8.95 Limited
G. compacta plena - double bloom, 18" tall $7.50
HELENIUM - 3' prefers some shade and moisture, fall bloom, trim in June & July to force more buds, sprays of small daisy like bloom
H. 'Rotgold' - burnt-red gold petals, yellow-brown center, 30" $8.25
HELIANTHUS (perennial sunflower)
H. max (Maximilianii) - $5.75
H. decapetalus plena - double yellow bloom, 4' tall, gal. $9.50
H. 'Summer Sun' - deep gold summer bloom 3', good cut flower $8.50
HELLEBORUS (these are blooming size plants.)
H. argutifolius corsicus - holly type foliage, small lime green bloom 1gal. $18.95. LIMITED
H. foetidis - (Bear's foot hellebore, Stinking hellebore) - blooms set by Christmas, chartreuse/purple edge bloom 1 gal. $19.95
H. niger (Christmas Rose) - white bloom, earliest bloom 2 gal.$36.00
H. n. praecox - white bloom, 1 gal $25.00 (limited)
H. orientalis (Lenten Rose) - purple, lime, and lavender mixed colors with purple spots, 2 gal.$38.00
H. x 'Blue Lady' - lenton rose, dark blue purple, 1 gal $26.95 (limited)
H. x 'Champion' - white bloom, pink reverse, dark reddish foliage 1 gal. $26.95(limited)
H. x 'Cinnamon Snow' - creamy blooms dusted with cinnamon as they age, 1 gal $26.95 (limited)
H. x 'Pink Frost' -silver green foliage, burgandy buds open to pink, Jan-March bloom, 2 gal. $29.95
H. x 'Golden Lotus'- double pale yellow with red edge 1 gal. $32.00
H. x 'Peppermint Ice'- double, pink shades with red edge 1 gal. $32.00
H. x 'Red Sapphire' - double dark red bloom 1 gal. $32.00
HEUCHERA (Coral Bells) These are varieties that have grown well for us .
H. 'Coral Cloud' - heritage plant 24" $6.50
H. ‘Chatter Box’ - sprays of large pink bloom 18" $6.50
H. 'Chocolate Curls' - very ruffled dark purple foliage, 2 qt $10.99
H. 'Chocolate Veil' - qt. $9.50
H. m. 'Palace Purple' - purple foliage, cream bloom 18" $6.50
H. sanguinea - red 24" $5.50
H. s. 'Snow Angel' - best variegated green and white foliage, red bloom, very hardy $12.50
H. 'Stormy Seas' -maroon-purple ruffled leaves with grey veins, white bloom, 1 gal. $16.95
HIBISCUS (Rose Mallow)
Hibiscus 'Pink Clouds' - large 10"pink bloom, 3'-5' tall,August bloom, cut to ground in spring 1 gal. $12.99
H. 'Disco Red Belle' - large red bloom, beautiful summer blooming shrub 2 gal. $19.95, 1 gal. $12.99
H. aurantiacum (Hawkweed) - orange-red flowers on 12" stems, for rockery or wildflower areas, Z4, $5.99
H. maculatum 'Leopard' - rosettes of blue-green foliage with red-brown spots, yellow bloom in 15" stalks Z4 $6.50
Hollyhock - old fashioned singles, will self seed, mix colors, qt. $4.999, 1/2 gal. $6.50, gal. $8.50
IBERIS - (Candytuft) - white bloom, evergreen, full sun, blooms better in poor soil qt. $5.50, 1/2 gal. $7.95
IRIS - All Rhizomes are mature size. Too many named cultivars to list.
I. bucharica - see bulb listing (fall ship only)
I. cristata - clear blue 3" bloom, prefers some shade, native $6.50
I. germanica (Dwarf Bearded) ** 6" - 12" April bloom
'Lemon Pop' - fragrant, 12" tall - $3.00
'Tinkerbelle' - $1.50
'Hot Fudge' - $3.00
'Spring White' - $2.00
'Baby Baron' - $2.00
'Aztec Gold' - $1.50
--Mail Order Special: mix colors, only $1.00 each.
I. germanica (Tall Bearded Hybrids) 36" or more.
All german iris love sun and good drainage; super phosphate in spring makes sturdier stems. Mail order by color choice: bicolor, blue, pink, purple, red, tan, white, yellow, plicata each $3.00
--Complete list of all named variety bearded iris on request with SASE.
I. germanica 'Dumas' - heritage $5.00
I. g. 'Gnu Rayz' - 18"-24" $7.00
I. g 'Louvois' - 24" $5.00
I. g. Miss Jessie' - 30" $6.00
I. g. 'Planned Treasure' - 36" $7.50
I. germanica (Fall Blooming) - These will not rebloom as well where frosts are heavy in September.
'Autumn Haze' - 3' gold and lav. $7.00
'Lo Ho Silver' - snow white, fragrant rebloomer $7.00.
'Sangreal' - 16" yellow $7.00
I. germanica pallida 'Albo Variegata'- striped green and white foliage, sm. blue bloom, 1 gallon $14.95
I. germanica ‘Swanensburg’ - heritage, early April, bloom unusual tan color, 1' $6.50
I. germanica intermedia
'Alaskan Sky' - 18" - 24" with large bloom $4.00
'Bold One' - white with dark blue stitching, $5.00
'Cranapple'- red $5.00
'Fantasy World' - 18"-24" $4.00
'Peachy Face' - 18" $4.00
'Pinka Boo' - 18" $6.00
'Serendipity' $7.50
I. florentina (Orris Root) * white flower $4.50
I. louisiana - these varieties love moisture
'Sky Blue' - 18"', heritage $12.00
'Red Dazzler' - 18"', mahogany red $18.00
I. psuedacorus * - grows well in pond or soil, yellow bloom, pods for dried, 3' in soil, taller in water $7.50
I. p. 'Holden's Child' - redish purple with yellow and white thumbprint $14.95
I. p. 'Variegata' - variegated foliage, yellow bloom, for ponds or borders $8.95
I. siberica
'Blue Jay' - 3.5' tall, blue $16.95
'Ceaser's Brother' - 2' purple $4.50
'Eric the Red' - 24" rose-red $8.50
'Gull's Wing' - pure white, 1 gal. $8.50
'Helen Aster' - 20" rose $8.50
'It's Delightful' - light blue, with rounded petals, 3' tall $16.95
'Mountain Lake' - 20" blue $8.50
'Ruffled Velvet' - lavender blue falls with white thumbprint, rounded petals, 2.5' tall $16.95
'Seven Seas' - 3' velvet purple $7.50
'Snowy Egret' 2' white $8.50
'Sparkling Wine' - 18" dusky wine, blue blaze $8.50
'Swan' - medium blue, rounded petals, 32" tall $8.50
'Swank' - clear blue, with rounded petals, 32" tall $8.50
'Tealwood' - 2' purple $7.50
'Tropic Night' - 3 ' purple $7.50
'White Anniversary' - large pure white blooms with yellow beard, 3' tall $16.95
'White Swirl' - white with rounded petals $9.50
I. spuria
'Big Cloud' - 3 1/2 ' white & yellow $7.50
'Blue Butterfly' - 3' light blue $6.50
'Gold Nugget' - 3 1/2 ' yellow $7.50
'Neophyte' - 4' blue and purple $8.50
'Admiral' - 3 1/2 ' dark blue $8.50
I. tectorum (Japonese roof iris) - sun or shade, drought tolerant, 10" lovely
'Alba' - 1', white bloom $8.50
'Purple' - 1' $8.50
'Pallida' - 1' $9.50
K. uvaria 'Fire Dance' - (Tritoma, Red Hot Poker) - orange-red flower, blue-green foliage, 3' tall, $8.50
K. m. 'Mars Midget' - dwarf compact form 16" tall, brilliant ruby-red flowers June till frost, attractive to butterflies, drought tolerant Z5 $6.25 gal. $7.99
LEWISIA cot. 'Special Mix' -star like blooms on upright stems in red, pink and peach colors, great for rockery and troughs $5.99
LIATRIS - willowy spikes of bloom, more information
L. spicata purple 4', 1 quart $6.99
L. spicata 'Kobold' - 2' purple, 1 quart $6.99
L. pycnostrachya alba - white bloom, 3' tall $6.99
L. p. 'Blazing Star' - purple bloom, 3' $6.99
LIGULARIA - loves moisture, edge of ponds
L. stenocephala 'The Rocket' - 3'-4' spikes of golden flowers, July 1 gal. $9.50
L. dentata 'Othello' - lg. red foliage, gold daisy bloom Aug. $9.50
LOBELIA SYPHILITICA (Hardy Blue Lobelia) - photo2 blue spikes Aug.-Sept., will grow in moist areas, great color with Black Eyed Susan, native $6.50
LUPINUS 'Russell Hybrids' - mix colors, bienniel $6.99
LYCORIS more information
L. Squamigera (Magic Lily) - 2.5' tall, spring foliage, pink August bloom, hardy, multiplies quickly, large blooming size bulbs shipped in May and in the fall only: plant immediately upon arrival, Special Sale Price $3.00 each
L. punctata - yellow spikes of bloom, excellent cut flower $5.50
L. p. 'Alexander' - variegated foliage, yellow bloom $7.50
LYTHRUM 'Mordens Rose' - 4' almost shrub like, will grow in wet areas, bare root $6.50, 1gal. $8.50 Not an invasive species.
M. alcea fastigiata - 2 1/2 ' mounds of pink min. Hollyhock like bloom $7.50
M. sylvestris 'Zebrinus' - photo2 lavender and white striped hollyhock-like flowers, 2' - 3' tall, blooms July-September $7.50
MONARDA * - fragrant 2 1/2 ' , sun or shade $6.00
M. 'Gardenview Scarlet'
M. 'Praire Gypsy' - extra large (1.5") raspberry/pink floral tubes with spots, very fragrant, attracts many species of butterflies, minty scent, 18"-24" tall, Z4 $6.00
MYOSOTIS palustris (Forget-me-not) - perennial, blooms all summer, light blue 6 " tall, likes moisture, qt. $6.25
NIGELIA (Love in the Mist) - true light blue, double star-like flowers on 12" stems, with fine thread like light green foliage, late spring - summer bloom, self seeding biennial, seed sold only, sow in borders, $1.99 per pack of seeds
O. missourenses ** - huge yellow bloom in evening 6" - 8" tall, gal. $8.95
O. 'Berlanderi Siskikou'- pink blooms, use as a ground cover, 8" tall $6.50
ORIGANUM (culinary varieties see Herb listing)
O. laevigatum 'Hopley's Purple' - ornamental with large purple flowers and blue foliage, 18" x 12" wide, excellent dried flower - $4.50
O. x 'Amethyst Falls'- outstanding hop like blooms with amethyst flowers, glaucous foliage, drought tolerant, spicy fragrance, $6.50
PAPAVER orientalis 'Pink Ruffles' - medium pink, sun, for well drained soil $ 11.50
P. o. 'Flamenco Dancer' - red ruffled blooms, sun, for well drained soil $11.50
P. (Candy Lily) Dazzler Series - various colors of purple, pink-orange, and red, dwarf 15"-18" tall, Z5 $7.50
PENSTEMON 'Prairie Splendor' - 24" spikes of pink and white bloom, drought tolerant $7.50
PEONY - potted Peonies at Plant Farm all season, other varieties can be chosen in field for fall delivery. Peonies are forever, some here are heritage.
April Hybrids (singles) - soft pink, red, bright red2, lipstick or watermelon $40.00 and up.
Bowl of Beauty - bright rose, yellow center $17.50
Cora Stubbs - back petals deep rose pink, cream, pink and rose bomb center, fragrant $30.00
Edulis Supreme - deep pink double bloom $12.50
Festivia Maxima - double bloom white $35.00
Felix Crouse - double bloom red $19.50
Mon Jules Elie - double bloom, bomb type pink with outer petals $12.50
Paula Faye - very early bloom, deep dark red petals show yellow stamen center $35.00
Requieum - single pale pink, wonderful foliage $35.00
Sarah Bernhardt - double bloom pink $35.00
Kansas - clear red double $30.00
Shirley Temple - very early light pink turns white, very fragrant $30.00Scarlet O'hara - early scarlet red petals show yellow center stemans $30.00
Krinkled White - single white, late $25.00
Tenufolium - fern leaf red $40.00
Tree Peony (no mail order - prices at nursery) 4-5 yr. old blooming size pink, blush-pink, cerise-pink, white, yellow, purple, red $52.00 & up, B&B only
Tree peony 'Gauguin' - dark pink with black throat, petals have ruffled edges, very prominant yellow stamens, rare $150.00 B&B ONLY Limited
PHLOX PANICULATA - tall varieties $8.50
P. 'Blue Paradise' - deep violet blue, mildew resistant
P. ‘David’- white, mildew resistant, 31/2' to 4' tall
P. 'Laura' - mildew resistant, 3' tall
P. 'Sherbert Cocktail' - yellow buds open to pink and white flowers, fragrant
P. 'White Admiral'
PHLOX DIVARICATA - dwarf, Spring blue bloom, native $4.50 LIMITED
P. d. 'Perfume Blue' - fragrant blue spring bloom 10" tall $8.99
PHLOX SUBLATA ** (Creeping Phlox) - white, pink and white stripe, lavender (blue), red, 1 gallon $6.50
P. variegata - vaiegated foliage, pink bloom, does not spread as bad $8.50
P. virginiana - green foliage, pink bloom, native $7.50
PLATYCODON (Balloon Flower) - July to Aug. bloom, full sun or semi-shade $7.50
P. grandiflorus 'Alba' - single white flowers, 30" tall
P. g. 'Double Blue' - 20" tall, double
P. g. 'Mariesii' - single blue, 16" tall
P. g. 'Fuji Pink' - single pink, 24" tall
P. g. 'Fuji White' - single white, 24" tall
P. g. 'Sentimental Blue' - dwarf form 8" tall, single blue flowers
P. g. apoyana 'Fairy snow' - white bloom with blue veins, 10" tall, Z3
P. reptans - blue, 10" native, nice foliage all summer $6.50
PRIMULA - hardy varieties
P. candleabra hybrids - mix of pink colors $6.99
P. vulgaris Grandiflora Mix (English Primrose) - large flowers, mix colors, 6"-9" tall, $4.99
P. auricula - hardy variety of mix colors $6.99
PULMONARIA - low mounds more information
P. saccharata 'Mrs. Moon' - cream spotted foliage, blue & pink bloom $6.50 Sold Out 2015
P. longifolia 'EB Anderson' - narrow spotted foliage with pink and blue bloom $7.50
P. r. 'David Ward' - silveredge on green leaves, pink bloom, Z3-7 $8.99
PULSATILLA - see ANEMONE listing for others
P. vulgaris 'Heiler Hybrids' - mix of bright colors, 12" tall, hardy, natvie to Dakotas Z5, $6.99
PYRETHRUM COCCINEUM (aka Chrysanthemum Cocc. or Tanacetum) - low ferny foliage, 2' leafless stems, daisy type bloom, good cut flower
P.' Robinsons Crimson'- dark rose red blooms - $8.50
RUDBECKIA - all bloom, late summer and fall
R. fulgida 'Goldstrum' - height 2' good as taller ground cover, 'Black Eyed Susan', qt. $5.99, gal. $6.99
R. gloriosa - 2'-3' tall, July-Sept bloom $5.99
R. h. 'Cherokee sunset'- 4" semidouble blooms in golden yellow-orange, mahogany and bronze, summer bloom, treat as a self seeding annual, 2' tall Z5 $5.99
R. 'Brown Eyed Susan' - see WILDFLOWER LISTING
R. lacinata 'Goldquelle' -large semi double yellow bloom, July-Sept, 30" tall $6.99
RUELLA humilis (wild petunia) - native perennial, lavender bloom, self seeding, 3" tall, Z5 $6.50
R. sanguineus - green and red variegated foliage for borders or containers, 18" tall, 2 qt. $6.25
R. graveolens 'Blue Beauty' - lacy blue foliage, good landscape plant, 1 qt. $5.50, 1 gal. $8.99
S. argentia 'Silver Sage' - large silver leaves forms rosette plumes of whitte-pink, blooms form 2nd year, 3' x 2' biennial $7.99
S. lyrata 'Purple Knockout' - decorative wide foliage in bronze, purple and red tones, blue-purple flowers, 16" x 12" Z5 $6.99
S. nemorosa 'May Night' - deep purple bloom, 12"-14" tall, deadhead for all summer bloom $7.99
S. pitcheri 'Nekan' - sky blue flower spikes in late summer and fall, native, 4' tall Z4 gal.$10.49
SANTOLINA ** - like small evergreen shrub, sun & well drained area, for bloom do not prune in spring, qt $6.50, gal. $8.50
S. incana (silver) - 12" mounds of silver foliage, yellow bloom
S. virens - 12" mounds of evergreen foliage, yellow bloom
S. ocy. Rubra Compacta - blooms after Phlox Sub. with same bloom habit, pink $6.99
S. ‘Max Frei’ - semi-double pink bloom, all summer $7.50
SCABIOSA - summer bloom
S. ochroleuca - 3' pale yellow bloom all summer $5.00
Tall varieties, quart containers:
S. telephium 'Autumn Joy' (Indian Chief) - good winter appearance, 1 qt. $4.75, gal. $7.75
S. t. 'Xenox' - 12", blue-green foliage tinted rose $9.95
S. spectabile 'Atropurpureum' - purple foliage $7.50
S. spectabile 'Curly' - deep rose bloom $4.50
S. spectabile 'Frosty Morn' - 12" tall, pale green foliage, bordered with wide white band, light pink to white bloom in late summer $8.50
S. 'Montrona' - pink bloom till fall, dark blue-green foliage with pink edges and red stems, 15" $8.50
S. spectabile 'Neon' - intense deep purplish-pink blooms over 15: dark green foliage, Z3, $6.99
S. spectabile Variegata - needs full sun to bring out best variegation $6.50
S. spectabile 'Starburst" - white $6.25
S. x h. 'Purple Emperor' - purple red foliage, redbloom, 5" tall Z3 qt.$8.50, gal $11.99
Dwarf types - ground covers, 3" x 3" containers:
S. angelina - $7.50
S. 'dasyphyllum g. landuliferum- tiny delicate blue gray foliage4 with light pink bloom, also beautiful in tufa or containers $5.99
S. kamtschicum - yellow bloom, green formal mounds $4.99
S. reflexum - blue foliage yellow bloom $4.50
S. spurium 'Tricolor' - bright pink and white variegation, 2" x 12" Z3 $4.99
S. 'Vera Jamison' - 1' deep pink rose bloom $6.50
S. fuldgult - green rosette with rose edges $5.99
S. Ternatum -native white blooming variety, accepts shade $5.99
SEMPERVIVUM (Hen & Chicks)
S. braunii - smooth slate-gray leaves, low tight rosette, yellow flowers tipped red in summer, great for troughs Z7 $6.50
S. "Specialty Blend" (mix only) $6.50
S. 'Twilight Blue' - large olive-green shaded lavender with purple tips Z4 $6.50
SHASTA DAISYS (S. Leucanthemum)
S. (Leucanthemum) superba 'Becky' - large single white daisy, 36" tall, long bloom and heat tolerant $8.25
S. 'Nipponicum' - large waxy green foliage, largest 4" white bloom in Sept.-Nov. 3' tall, gorgeous, $8.25
S. Crazy Daisy - large fringed white July bloom, up to 7" across, 3' $8.25
Chrys. Leucanthemum 'May Queen' shade - May bm low lacy foliage 2', lg. 2" bloom, heritage, 1 qt. $4.25, 1/2 gal. $5.99
S. (Leucanthemum) 'Amelia' - huge 5" white bloom, long summer bloom, 30"tall, great cut flower Z5 $7.50
S. uniflora 'Compacta' - hardy 4-5" x 12" gray-green compact heavy flowering cushions for the trough garden or rockery, light pink flowers Z3 $5.25
S. uniflora 'Druett's Variegated' - pure white blossoms from summer to fall, cream edged 2"-3" mat-forming foliage, great for rockery or trough, Z3 $6.50
S. bysantin 'Silver Carpet' (Lamb's Ear) - largest silver leaf variety, no bloom, 1 qt. $6.99
S. banata (Lambs Ear) - plush silvery foliage, bloom spikes $5.25
S. Betony - heritage with pink spikes, narrow foliage $6.50
S. macrantha grandiflora superba - rose-purple flower spikes 20" tall $6.99
S. tartarica (Dumosa, German Statice) 8" sun well drained, cut/dried flower $6.75
S. latifolia (Limonium or Sea Lavender) low foliage, leafless fl. stems, lavender-blue cut/dried flower 2' tall $6.75
S. laevis 'Klaus Jelitto' - huge 4"-5" wide pale blue flowers, 18" tall, gorgeous, June -Aug. $8.50
S. l. 'Purple Parasols' - flowers can display five different colors on one plant by their maturity going from powder blue to magenta 12"-18" tall $8.50
S. 'Blue Danube' - large lavender blue flowers, 16" tall, heat tolerant, beautiful $8.50
S. grandflora lutea - 6", yellow bloom good ground cover $6.50
S. rubrum - 18" red bloom $6.50
THALICTRUM shade - beautiful foliage all year
T. aquilegifolium 'Alba' - 30" $6.50
T. aquilegifolium 'Violet' - 30" $6.50
T. dwarf - bronze bloom in spring, blue-green foliage all summer $7.25
T. flavum ssp. Glacum (Speciosissinum) - yellow 4-5' $7.50
VERBENA ** - truly hardy heritage plant from our gardens, rose color bloom all summer 5" $6.99 Sold Out
V. Bonharensis - airy, rigid purple bloom 4', reseeds, per. Z6 $6.99
V. Canadensis - lavender bloom all summer, native ground cover 8" tall $6.99
V. 'Crater Lake Blue' - dark blue stems, 12" summer $7.50
V. 'Waterperry' - nice size deep blue bloom sprays over shiny foliage, 3" tall, creeping habit, gorgeous over walls or in rockery, lovely plant - $9.50 gal.
V. peduncularis 'Georgia Blue' - reddish green foliage in spring turns darker green in heat, small cobalt blue bloom in summer, 2"-4" tall, sun or shade $6.50
V. Purpleicious - light purple bloom spikes 20" tall, $10.99
V. virginica (Culvers-Root)- Albo - shade, lovely 3 1/2 ' white spikes, better than white Veronica, native $7.50
V. sibericum -5'-7' tall pink spikes of bloom, mid to late summer $7.50
V. cucullata (Violets) see WILDFLOWER LISTING
V. labridoricum - purple foliage in sun, extended blue bloom $6.50
V. odorata 'Rosina' - fragrant pink flowering, long blooming violet, clumps but does not seed - $6.50
YUCCA - we ship large plants
Y. filamentosa - bloom height 4-6' $6.00
Y. f. 'Gold Edge' - $15.00
ZAUSCHNERIA garrettii 'Orange Carpet' (California Fushia) - orange tubular fushia bloom, 18" tall, for well drained sunny area, lovely, truely winter hardy Z3 $7.50
Quick find. Select first letter of perennial:
GUARANTEE: Each order we send will be filled with stock of fine quality, packed with care to reach you in good live growing condition. If you are not entirely satisfied, return it at once for refund minus postage.
We are not responsible to replace plants that have failed due to conditions beyond our control such as possible neglect, weather, growing conditions or the lack of experience on the part of the gardener.
A Word About Native Plants: We offer many native varieties because we like them, but we do not collect them from the wild. We grow them from cuttings or seeds, and are listed as Native.
Prices subject to change.
All Material © Mary's Plant Farm
To order, go here: How to Order, or email with your questions.
Last updated 2016 March 4