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Order and shipping information.

Certain plants require a specific ship time. In spring or fall, shrubs, roses, and trees are all shipped semi-dormant and semi-bareroot. Since quantities are sometimes limited and items sell out, orders that are placed early are put into our system and the plants requested are held for you until the proper shipping time. We do not charge your credit card until two weeks prior to shipping. We also send notification of the exact ship date so you can be expecting your plants.

For larger shrubs (3' tall), there is an addtional $5.00 each charge. For 4' - 6' shrubs there is an additional $10.00 each charge. This is a pass through of shippers "oversize box charge".

These shrubs are field grown blooming size. Container sizes listed are the sizes sold in nursery and same sizes shipped, but most shrubs are shipped bare-root. Sizes listed in catalog (before price) is the size shipped. Also larger field sizes and B&B available at nursery.

shade  shade material
Z   hardiness zone (example: Z4)

B&B balled and burlaped


Quick find. Select first letter of shrub:
A  B  C  D  E  F  GH  I  JK  L  MN  P  QR  S  TUV  W

ABELIA x grandiflora (Glossy Abelia) - shiny evergreen foliage, white bloom on and off all season, 3' tall, Z5, 2 gal. $26.95
A. Edward Goucher - hybrid form with lavender-pink to white bloom 2 gal. $28.95, 3 gal. $38.95

A. distichum - lovely white fragrant bloom, April, not well enough known Z4, 2 gal. $24.95

ALTHEA (Rose of Sharon) see HIBISCUS

A. alnifolia 'Regent' - shrub form, 4' tall, spring bloom, fall fruit, B&B $52.00, 3 gal. $32.95

A. melanocarpa elata - lovely white Spring bloom, red to black, fall berries, red fall foliage 3 gal. $24.00 more information (limited)
A. m. 'Viking' - large white bloom and huge berry clusters in summer, red fall foliage, drought toerant, Z3-8, 3 gal. $42.95
A. arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima' - white bloom, red berries, red fall foliage, B&B $36.00 more information

AESCULUS parvifolia (Bottle Brush Buckeye) shade- creamy plumes in summer, large foliage, shade 6', spreading form (blooming size), 4 gal. $49.95, 4' (8 gal.) $99.00 and up. Limited shipable sizes

A. p. 'Rogers' - newer variety with larger 15" tall bloom in mid to late summer 2 gal. $48.00 and up

AZALEA (Hardy Z5) 2 gal. $24.95, other sizes and prices as listed
A. 'Fashion' - beautiful peach pink, coral shades,dark foliage, longest bloom time, (3 gal. $29.95)

Delaware - white
A. 'Gable Rosebud' - pink
A. 'Herbert' - double lavendar 4 gal. size $34.50
A. 'Hershey Red' - rose red

Karen - purple
A. 'Silver Sword' - double rose red bloom, varigated foliage 1 gal. $24.95, 3 gal. $52.00
A. Stewartsonian - red 4 gal. size $34.50
A. Native (Exbury type) - pink bloom, 2' B&B $56.00

A. Exbury - decidous variety, orange bloom B&B $68.00

A. Austrinum - mix colors 2 gal. $48.00

BUDDLEIA DAVIDII (Butterfly Shrub) - the Nanho varieties are shorter and bushier with more bloom spikes, cut shrub back to 12 in Spring.  2 gallon $18.95.
B. 'Pink Delight' - pink, 5'
B. Nanho varieties - white or blue, 4-5
B. 'White Bouquet' - white 5'

BUXUS (BOXWOOD) - Boxwood is hardier than supposed. Ours have all with-stood three winters of temperatures dropping to -36 degrees. Prune before July so new growth can harden off. Sempervirens is the variety with yellow-green honey scented flowers, and the scent of box at Mt. Vernon. Height listed is what mine are after 20 to 25 years. Varietal listing is from the American Boxwood Society Handbook. Not liners, these are ready for landscaping. B&B available at the nursery. Available sizes vary as these are field grown and many are dug as needed. more information

Dwarf Varieties- photo
If you need the dwarf forms for edging, etc, we now offer Morris Dwarf compacta, Kingsiville, and Tide Hill in 2 qt. for $29.00 each

B. 'Justin Brower' - small foliage, more upright habit, slow growing, 1/2 gal. $26.00
B. microphyllia compacta ‘Kingsville’ - small dense, slow growing, 1’, Z5 1 gal. $36.50, B&B $54.00 & up
B. m. 'Little Gilbert' - dwarf slow growing dark green, 1 gal. $29.95(limited)
B. m. japonica Morris Dwf. - dwarf, slow 1 1/2 Z5 1 gal. $39.50 2 gal. $58.00
B. sinica 'Green Pillow' - similar to Compacta, leaves larger Z5 2 gal. $46.50
B. s. Pin Cushion - dwarf 1 2 gal. $46.50

B. s. 'Wee Willie' - tight round form, 18"-24" max, Z5-9, 1/2 gal. $29.95
B. sempervirens 'Varder Valley', blue green foliage 2' high x3' wide, 1 gal. $29.95, 3 gal. $56.95

Taller Varieties - photo
Buxus koreana 'Sunburst' -Beautiful bright gold margined foliage with green center, compact, Z5, 1 gal. $36.00, 2 gal. $42.00
B. microphylla 'Curly Locks' - foliage crinkled 3' Z5, 1 qt. $19.50, 1 gal. $28.50
B. m. 'Hillsboro' - dark green pyramidal 4' Z5 1 gal. $32.00
B. m. Korean - large leaved, med green, stays green, 5x4, B&B only
B. Chicagoland - new foliage, bluish green 1 gal. $32.00
B. 'Green Mountain' - more upright 5' 1 gal. $32.00
B. 'Green Velvet' - slow growing 3' 1 gal. $32.00
B. sempervirens Argenteo- variegata foliage, Z6 B&B 18"-24", $110.00 limited
B. s. suff. variegata - variegated foliage 2 gal. $54.95
B. s. 'Elegantissima'- bright white edged leaf with light green center, slower growing, Z5, 2 gal. $54.00 Limited
B. s. 'Faulkner' - 1 gal. $32.00, B&B $69.00 & up
B. s. Graham Blandy - grows like a trained upright - 4'-5', 12" wide max, 2.5 gal. 3' $58.00
B. s. 'Nela Park' - darkest green 4' Z5 1 gal. $36.00, B&B $54.00 & up Limited
B. s. 'Shandy Hall' - foliage bluish green 4' Z5 1 gal. $38.00, B&B $54.00 & up Limited
B. s. 'Tide Hill' - dwarf, 1 gal. $42.95
B. s. 'True Tree Box' - upright and narrow, 16" wide max, 2 gal $48.00 & up

C. floridus - (Sweet Shrub) - fragrant heritage shrub, red/brown bloom. 2 gal.$36.00  B&B $54.00
C. f. 'Athens' - yellow bloom 2 gal. $39.95
C. f. 'Michael Lindsey' - larger 2" red-brown bloom, Z4-Z9, 2 gal. $39.95
Calycanthus x Venus - bright white blooms, strong spicy fragrance 2 gal. $49.00

CALLICARPA (Beautyberry) - prune to 1' in spring for better form Aug/Sep. bloom., berries on these are unbelievable, more information
C. dichotoma "Issai" - 3'-4' shrub, pink/lav. bloom., berries metallic violet Z5, more information   3 gal. $29.95 1 gal. $19.95
C. d. 'Early Amethyist' - earlier blooming and fruiting variety, B&B $48.00
C. japonica 'Leucocarpa' - white bloom, white berries 4' Z5, more information   1 gal. $19.99

CARAGANA - This disease resistant, drought tolerant shrub has beautiful delicate yellow sweet pea like blooms in May. We only offer it as a standard. Z3
C. arborescens Pygmy - 5 standard, yellow bloom., weeping branches B&B $149.00 (sold out)
C. a. pendula 'Abe Walker' - 5' standard, yellow bloom lacy narrow foliage, weeping $199.00more information

C. 'Blue Mist' - silver foliage, blue Aug. bloom tolerates drought, prune to 1' in April for best shape, 1 gal. $14.50, 2 gal. $24.95
C. 'Dark Night' - very deep blue flowers, 3' tall, summer blooming, silvery green foliage Z5 $18.00
C. 'Sorbet' - blue bloom, green & yellow variagated foliage $32.00 limited

CEPHALANTHUS Occidentalis (Buttonbush) photo of fall fruit - white bloom Aug., tolerates moist areas near ponds but also drought conditions with no ill effect, native Z4  3 gal. $39.95 B&B available

CHAENOMELES (Flowering Quince)
C. s. 'Cameo' - large peach blooms in clusters, 3', 2 gal. $25.95

CLETHRA - very fragrant, Aug. bloom, sun or shade, likes moisture, native
C. alnifolia Hummingbird - white, 2 gal. $28.95, 3’ B&B $48.00
C. a. Rosea - light pink, 4' - 5' 3 gal. $32.00 B&B $48.00
C. a. 'Ruby Spice' - darker pink bloom, 2 gal. $28.95, 4 gal. $39.95
C. a. 'Sixteen Candles' - white bloom, 2 gal. $28.95

CORYLOPSIS SPICATA (Spike winter hazel) photo2 - pendulous yellow flowers in March-April, very fragrant, lovely in the garden, 4' x' 6' max, 3 gal. $58.00, B&B $72.00

COTINUS (Smoke Tree)- can become small tree or trim to keep as shrub
C. coggyria 'Golden Spirit' - yellow foliage, beautiful fall color, 2 gal. $16.95
C. c. 'Royal Purple' - bronze smoke bloom, red foliage; only B&B $49.95 and up
C. c. 'Velvet Cloak' - dark purple foliage, 3 gal. $24.50

C. divaricatas- excellent for espalier, fall color, red berries 1 gal. $12.00, 2 gal. $24.99

D. gracilis - sprays white bloom spring, 3', Z4, 2 gal. $19.95   B&B $64.00  photo2  photo3
D. g. Magician - pink bloom, 5-6 tall, May-June, 2 gal. $28.95  B&B available
D. g. 'Nikko' - dwarf 2, white bloom, May-June, Z5 2 gal. $28.95

D. g. 'Yaki Cherry Blossom' :- dwarf habit 12" tall, pink and white spring bloom 2 gal. $16.95
D. scabra Pink Minor - pink bloom, May, 3, Z5 2 gal. $28.95  B&B $42.00

E. 'Showy Lantern' - dark red bell booms, partial shade, excellent fall color 5' tall Z4 $28.95

E. alatus Compactus (Burning Bush) Z4 (B&B various sizes) 1 gal. $9.95 LIMITED
E. fortunei vegatus radicans - can be espalier 1 gal. $16.00
E. obivata (ground cover) - $29.95
E. x 'The Bride' -stems are covered with white buds that look like pearls; spring bloom; can be kept at 3' tall, 1 gal. $19.95 sold out

E. m. 'Lotus Moon'- white pearl like flowers form up the branches in April/May, 4'-5'tall, 3'-4'wide, prune right after blooming, buds form on old growth 3 gal. $46.00

FOTHERGILLA 'Mt. Airy' - early spring white powder puff bloom 3 gal. $56.00


F. x intermedia 'Lynwood Gold' - darker golden yellow flowers, 5'-7' tall, performs well sun or light shade Z5-8 6 gal. $22.00 (SALE)

HAMAMELIS (Witch Hazel) shade- some native species, others cultivars, Feb-April bloom, all tolerate shade, are good understory shrubs or small trees, colorful fall foliage, seed capsules are also attractive. Color of Hamamelis can be affected by climate and garden conditions.

2 gallon container shipped: inquire as to available sizes and prices
B&B at nursery, priced as to size: $58.00 to $145.00
H. x intermedia 'Angelly' - clear yellow, green calyx, sweet fragrance, B&B (sold out)

H. ‘Aphrodite’ - glowing orange to coppery red, B&B
H. Aurea - new copper to red-orange, B&B only
H. x int. 'Antoine Kort' - clear red curled, twisted and crimpted petals, strong sweet fragrance, 4' B&B $48.95

H. x 'Aurora' - yellow/orange with red base 3'-4' $42.00
H. x 'Barmstedt Gold' - yellow-gold, B&B only
H. x int 'Berstein' - yellow-red giving and orange appearance, 2 gal. $46.00 (sold out)
H. x int. 'Birgit' - long petaled, dark purple, 2 gal. $48.00,
H. x int. 'Early Bird' - twisted and curled, sulphur yellow, B&B
H. x int. 'Fireblaze' - coppery orange bloom with red base, strong spicy fragrance, 2 gallon $39.95 (sold out)
H. x int. 'Feuerzauber' - red, B&B
H x int. 'Georges' - light red with copper base, 5' B&B $64.00

H. x int. 'Gingerbread' - spicy fragrant, red brick to burnt orange bloom 3 gal. $59.95

H. x int 'Glowing Embers' - copper orange, sweet fragrance, 2 gal. $39.00 (sold out)
H. x int. 'Hiltingbury' - burnt red to purple, 2 gallon $36.00
H. x int. Jelena - copper bloom 1" long petals, Z5, 5 gal. $49.95
H. x int. Moonlight - yellow, B&B
H. x int. 'Orange Beauty' - yellow-orange petals, base red purple gives strong orange effect, fragrant, 2 gal. $42.00 & B&B (sold out)
H. x int. 'Orange Encore' - curled petals of golden yellow, brown red calyx, giving light orange overall color, dark to maroon foliage through the season in sun, 2 gallon $42.00 (sold out)
H. x int 'Rubin' - clear red, fragrant, B&B
H. x int 'Savill Starlight'- pale yellow, green maroon base, B&B
H. x int. 'Sister Jelena' - red orange $42.00
H. x int. 'Wiero' - curled yellow, late bloom, 2 gallon $36.00, 3 gal. $48.00 (sold out)
H. x int 'Winter Beauty' - yellow-orange, red-purple calyx, golden yellow appearance, B&B
H. japonica pendula - true weeping form, yellow bloom, fragrant, 2 gal. $42.00 (sold out)
H. mollis Rochester Superba - red bloom, very fragrant, Z5, 5' B&B $72.00

H. vernalis Amethyst - lavender purple bloom, March - 3 gal. $56.00
H. Vernalis - yellow-orange bloom, Feb-March, very fragrant, Native, Z4, 3 gal. container $42.00
H. vernalis 'Girard's Purple' - purple red, spicy fragrance, B&B

Hamamelis vernalis 'Orange Sunrise - spicy fragrance, orange red blend -2 gal. $42.00

Hamamelis vernalis 'Purple Ribbons' - purple bloom, fragrant 3 gal. $45.00 (sold out)

H. ver. 'Rose Lyric' -late fall bloom in deep lavender rose, 3 gal. $59.95

H. ver. Quasimodo - spidery burnt orange, fragrant, late winter/early spring bloom Z4 $64.00

Hamamelis vernalis 'Red Imp' - red bloom, fragrant 2 gal. $45.00 limited
H. ver. 'Squib' - clear yellow, pale green base, fragrant, B&B
H. virginiana - native species, golden yellow bloom, 3 gal. $39.95

H. virg. 'Vincent's Red' - small red bloom late fall, fragrant VERY RARE, 2 gal. $48.00
H. virg. - 'Champlin Red' - red with yellow tip, fragrant, 2 gal. $36.00 (sold out)
H. virg. 'Mohonk Red' - rust red, 3 gal. $49.95 (sold out)

HIBISCUS (Althea) Kept trimmed up in standards, hibiscus can look like rose trees in August B&B available, 4' $48.95 and up.
Hibiscus - large single bloom, Aug., mix colors, pink & white 1 gal. $9.00
H. Standards - single bloom, trimmed to form 3-4 standards 4 gal. $36.95 & up
H. 'Blue Bird' - true blue, single flower 4 gal. $28.95
H. 'Diane' - lg. sgl. white, stays open at night 4 gal. $28.95

HYDRANGEA - There are three shapes of bloom heads of Hydrangea. The flat corymb of sterile and fertile flowers called lace-caps, the second form is conical, and the third is a round ball shape mop head. Most have good fall colored foliage and flower. They prefer afternoon shade.

These listed are blooming size in 2-3 gallon container:

H. aborescens - native, flat lace-cap white bloom for semi-sun or shade Z3 $42.50
H. a. 'Incrediball' - sturdy stems hold 12" flower heads upright, white ball bloom, 2 gal. $39.00
H. a. 'Invincible Spirit' - first arborescens with pink bloom, sun to partial shade, 3 gal. $58.95
H. a.Annabelle - largest wh. mop head bl, best for drying 4-6, Z3 $46.00
H. a. 'Hayes Starburst' - large beautiful star like double blooms 3 gal. $36.95, 4 gal. $42.95
H. a. 'Riven Lace' - huge creamy white sterile blooms, upright habit, 5 gal. $46.00
H. a. 'Samantha' - green ruffled foliage with white reverse, white mop head flowers 5' tall, lovely Z3 $34.00
H. mac. All Summer Beauty - lg pink mop head bl, 4, Z5 $28.00
H. mac. ‘Blue Waves’ - blue lace cap bl, 3’, Z5 $32.00
H. mac. 'David Ramsey' - reblooming cultivar in blue & pink, blooms on new & old wood, Z4 3 gal. $34.00
H. mac. 'Enziandom' - best gentian blue mophead, darker green foliage, Z5 $34.00
H. mac. 'Fasan' (syn. 'Pheasant', 'Twilight') - lace cap, large red flowers, acid soils produce violet colors, 3'-4', Z5 $42.00

H. mac. Glowing Embers - Dwf red, ball bloom $38.00
H. mac. 'Harlequin' - mop head of pink flowers with white edge, Z5, $42.00
H. mac. 'Izo No Hanna' - lace-cap with double pink to blue sterile flowers surrounding darker rose pink fertile flowers, lovely $42.00
H. mac. Lanarth White - white lace cap bl, with bluish fertile florets, 4, Z5 $32.00

H. mac. 'Lilacina' - lace-cap with large, dentate,mauve sepals with dark blue center, long blooming $42.00
H. mac. 'Lemon Wave' - best variegated and blended yellow, cream, white, and green foliage, mauve lace-cap bloom, Z5 $54.00  1 gal. $18.95

H. mac. ‘Nikko Blue’ - blue mop head, bluer with acid soil, 3’, Z5 $28.00
H. mac. ‘Mariesii Varigated’ - varigated foliage, white/blue lace cap, 4’, Z5 $28.00
H. mac. 'Masja' - superb dwarf red mophead, Z5 $38.00
H. mac. 'Parsival' (syn. 'Parzifal') - mophead in pink, magenta-rose to blue tones all at once, autumn bloom turns purple, Z5 $42.00
H. mac. 'Penny Mac' - large pink or blue mophead - rebloomer- $38.00
H. mac. 'Pia' - dwarf (12") with pink mop head blooms, 1 gal. $19.95, 2 gal. $29.95
H. mac. 'Royal Purple' - large mophead blooms in rose to purple shades, 3'-4', Z5 $38.00
H. mac. 'Shamrock ' - Double lace cap bloom in pink that transforms to red & deep pink, 3 gal., RARE, $34.00
H. mac. ‘Sister Therese’ - lg. white mop head, shades to rose pink, 4’, Z5 $34.00
H. mac. 'Tokyo Delight' - lace-cap with white sterile flowers turning pink surrounding pink fertile flowers $38.00
H. serrata - light blue lace cap $38.00
H. s. 'Miranda' - dwarf 24", lace blooms of soft pink in alkaline soil, a rich blue color in acid soil, lovely foliage, Z5 $42.00
H. s. 'Pereziosa' - pink lavendar blend mop head $34.00
H. s. 'Spreading Beauty' - photo2 only 2' tall, lower spreading habit, pink bloom, 3 gal. $42.00
H. paniculata Graniflora (Pee Gee) - white conical bloom, August $32.00
H. p. Pee Gee TREE FORM - 4'- 5' standards, white conical bloom ages pink August $92.00, 10 gallon $110.00
H. p. Burgundy Lace - white conical bloom $38.00   photo2
H. p. Kyusha - glossy foliage, white conical bloom, July $42.00
H. p. ‘Pee-Wee’ - 3’-4’ rounded form, white conical bloom ages pink Aug. $36.00
H. p. 'Phantom' - largest panicles of white bloom turning pink, 5'-10' tall, 2 gal. $42.00
H. p. Pink Diamond - white to red, conical bl, July $42.00 & TREE FORM 5' tall standard $110.00

H. p. 'Pinky Winky' - large white blooms quickly turn bright rose pink 3gal. $49.00
H. p. 'Limelight' - lime-green panicle blooms, 6'-8' tall, an eye catcher in the garden, 4 gal. $46.00 fall photo

H. p. 'Little Lime' - dwarf form of 'Limelight' variety 3'-4' tall, 2 gal. $46.00
H. p. Tardiva - white conical bloom, Aug/Nov. $36.00
H. p. 'Unique' - large white panicles, July- Sept., 5'-6' tall, $36.00
H. p. 'White Moth' - large open panicles of white bloom, 8' tall $36.00

H. p. 'Vanilla Strawberry' Standard Tree Form - white bloom turning dark red and burgandy, displaying all three colors at once 4 1/2' tall $110.00
H. anomala, ssp ‘Petiolaris’ - climbing hydrangea for walls, see climber listing
H. quercifolia (Oakleaf) shade- beautiful oakleaf foliage, exfoliating bark, large white conical bloom, best fall foliage color, best in shade to semi-shade, Z5, 4 gal. $48.00, B&B $64.00
H. q. 'Pee Wee' - dwarf oakleaf, with large white bloom panicles $49.00

H. q. 'Ruby Slippers' - dwf. 3'-4' tall, large white panicle bloom turning darkest red $49.95
H. q. Snow Queen - largest with conical bloom, will take sunnier conditions $58.00
H. q. 'Snow Flake' - double white blossum, 6' tall, 3 gal. $68.00
H. q. 'Sykes Dwarf' - dwarf habit, large bloom, 3 gal. $52.00
H. q. 'Vaughn's Lillie' - largest tight bloom, a favorite at Mary's, 3 gal. $68.00 & 5 gal. $82.00

H. androsaemum 'Albury Purple' - purple juvenile foliage contrasts with deep yellow flowers in early summer with red fruits in late summer and fall, mounded form, 30" tall max, RARE Z2 $22.50 more
H. Kalmianum - compact form, masses of yellow bloom for 6-8 weeks in summer, drought tolerant, sun or shade, 2'-3' tall, Z4-7, 3 gal. $36.00

ILEX (Holly) - Landscapers hide them on north sides of buildings, etc. I. Opaca, I. Verticillata are native to zone 5-6. The seeds of our hybrids volunteer everywhere. We plant hollies in the open, in full sun, but avoid extremely windy areas. They have withstood -36º when established, with no burning. Hollies want well drained soil. Ilex Glabra & Verticillata like moist areas. I. Opaca make trees, I. Verticillata are great understory trees. We list all Ilex (tree or shrub) here. All are acid lovers, and are dioecious and need the male variety to pollinate. All Ilex are evergreen except the Verticillata varieties which are decidious, leaving branches with masses of red berries, a beautiful sight.

Shrub form:

I. glabra Compactashade- likes moisture, will tolerate dry & shade, black berries, 1 gal. $19.95, 2 gal. $29.95
I. g. Shamrock - black berries, 1 gal. $19.99
I. meserve Blue Prince (male) or Blue Princess (female) -bluish foliage, red berries, 1 gal. $22.00,  3 gal. $52.00

Tree Form:
I. o. ‘Merry Christmas’ - red berries, good for cutting, B&B, LIMITED SIZE AND QUANTITY
I. o. ‘Morgan’s Gold’ - bright yellow berries, B&B, LIMITED SIZE AND QUANTITY
I. o. male - 4'-4.5', B&B $125.00 (limited)
I. pedunculosa (Longstalk Holly) shade- simple no spine leaf, berry on end of stem like cherries, evergreen likes shade B&B $74.00 and up Limited quantities
Ilex v. 'Winter Gold' - pinkish golden orange fruit, decidious, hard to find variety 2 gal. $32.00
I. verticillata 'Winter Red' shade- decidious, masses of huge red berries, Sept., loves wet areas, tolerates shade 2 gal. $32.00  B&B available
I. v. 'After Glow' - red berries 2 gal. $39.00  5' B&B $69.00 & up
I. v. 'Aurantica' - orange berries, Aug. 2 gal. $34.00  4' B&B $64.00 & up
I. v. 'Jim Dandy' - early male, 1 gal. $19.95, 4 gal. $39.00
I. v. 'Southern Gentleman' - late male, 2 gal. $28.00, 3 gal. $39.00  B&B available

I. Rose Carpet photo2 RARE, dwarf creeping shrub with tiny leaflets and small rose-red blooms that cover the top of the plant from summer to fall, a wonderful rockery or specimen plant, 6" tall, 1 gal. $24.50 Limited

I. Virginia 'Henrys Garnett' - for moist areas, tolerates dry, brilliant red fall foliage, native introduction Z6 2 gal. $32.50
I. v. 'Little Henry' - dwarf 24" tall, scented white bloom in spring, beautiful red fall foliage and stems $26.00
I. v. 'Merlot' - new compact dwaft variety, 2' tall, fragrant summer bloom, bright red fall foliage 3 gal. $49.95
KALMIA latifolia 'Firecraker' (Laurel) - bright red flower busds open to light pink blooms over glossy green foliage, 3' tall, Z5, 2 gal. $42.00

K. latifolia (native field grown) B&B $72.00

K. l. 'Minuet' - pink with red edge dwarf 2 gal. $42.00
K. japonica 'Flora plena'shade- double bloom yellow bloom, green stems in winter, 5-6 can trim back, does well in shade, Z4 3 gal. $32.95
K. j. 'Golden Guinea' - single, large yellow flowers, dwarf, 3'x3', green foliage and green stems for winter interest, 2 gal, $26.95
K. j. variegata (picta) - green & white foliage, single yellow bloom, sun, 3’ 1 gal. $24.50, 2 gal. $36.95
K. j. albo - light green foliage, cream bloom, shade or sun, 3 gal. $29.95

LAGERSTROMIA (Crape Myrtle) - mix colors available, die back Z6 4' B&B $72.00  more information

LEPTODERMIS oblonga - lavender lilac like blooms in spring May-June, intermittent bloom throughout the summer, strong lilac fragrance, 3x3 size, Z5, 2 gal. $24.95

L. thunbergii 'Alba' - white bloom, July-Aug, 2 gal. $42.00
L. thunbergii 'Gibraltar' - woody perennial, airy blue green foliage with rose-red bloom in Aug - Sept. We find it should be cut to ground in spring. This is FANTASTIC in bloom, 5' tall, 1 gal. $22.50
L. t. 'Pink Fountains' - pink sweet pea shaped blooms, weeping form, 4'-5' tall, Z5, 2 gal. $29.95
L. t. 'Samindare' - fushia color blooms on airy branches, 3'-4' tall, Z5, 2 gal. $29.95

LEUCOTHOE ‘Girards Rainbow’ - pink, white & green foliage, Z5, 2 gal. $39.99, 3 gal. $64.00 more information

L. benzoin (Spice Bush) - spicy aromatic foliage turns gold in fall, yellow bloom spring, red berries 4'-6', sun or shade, native, Z4
3 gal. $46.95, 6 gal. $58.95,  B&B limited availability

L. fragrantissima 'Winter Honeysuckle' - white blossoms that scent the whole area with sweet honeysuckle fragrance 2 gal. size $26.00 more information   more information limited

L. Crassifolia - lower growing 3" tall max. ground cover plant with glossy small round foliage, creamy lonicera blooms that turn golden with age. Lovely in the garden or rockery. 1 gal. $28.95

M. 'Bealei' - grown here, with shelter, fine at -36º Z6 3 gal. $49.95 limited more information
M. Oregon Grape Holly - semi evergreen glossy holly like foliage, 3' tall, native yellow spring bloom, blue berries 2 gal. $25.95
MYRICA, Pennsylvanica (Bay Berry) shade- fragrant foliage, can grow to 6' if not pruned , evergreen blue berries, tolerates poor soil & shade, well drained, native, Z4, 3 gal. $34.95, 4 gal. $42.00, B&B also available

NANDINA more info
N. domestica (Heavenly Bamboo)- beautiful foliage, red berries Z6 3 gal. $48.00
 B & B $74.00
N. domestica - yellow fruiting variety RARE, Z6 B&B $74.00
N. d. 'Harbour Dwarf' - fruiting variety, red fall and winter foliage 2 gal. $29.95 1 gal. $22.00
N. ‘Fire Power’ - Dwf 18”, red fall foilage, Z5 2 gal. $29.95, 1 gal. $22.00

P. 'Buckleys Quill' - 4'-5', semi-dbl white, fragrant $29.95

P. opulifolius 'Center Gold' - purple foliage with gold center, creamy and pink bloom, 4 gal. $39.95
P. op. 'Diabolo' - photo fall bloom color dark reddish purple foliage on long arching canes, creamy white spring bloom, 8' tall, can be pruned to keep shorter. New and striking, Z2-7, 4 gal. $34.00
P. op. 'Summer Wine' - purple foliage with pink bloom, 4 gal. $39.95

RHAMNUS  more information
R. frangula 'Asplenifolia' (Fernleaf Buckthorn or Cutleaf Buckthorn) - fern leaf shrub, 4'-6' can use as hedge or in oriental garden, 2 gal. $28.95, 4 gal. $39.95, B&B $89.00
R. f. 'Columnaris' (Tallhedge Buckthorn) - good for narrow areas, 12', berries for birds, sun or shade, native, Z2, 2 gal. $19.50
R. f. 'Fine Lines' - narrowest foliage with upright form, 2' x 7', Z2, 3 gal. $36.95, B&B $36.00 & up.

- home grown for hardiness in a variety of colors
(for a great site about rhododendrons and azaleas see:

R. ‘Aglo’ bright pink with small foliage, early bloom, 3’ hardy -25 B&B $94.00
R. ‘Calsap two tone pink and white with purple blotch, likes sun, 4’ hardy ’25 B&B $99.95
R. ‘Mikkeli’ (St. Michael) white to pink back, very late, 4’x4’ hardy -25 B&B $99.95
R. ‘Northern Starburst’ from PJM group, purple, early, 3’ hardy -25 B&B $94.00
R. 'P.J.M elite.' - lavendar-pink bloom, small foliage, compact, 3' - 4' maximum, Z4, B&B $94.00 and up
R. ‘Pearce’s Beauty’ red, late blooming 5’-6’ tall B&B $89.95
R. ‘Summer Sumit’ pink buds open to pure white, very late, 5’-7’ hardy -20 B&B $89.95 
R. 'Yaku Prince' - large leaf, pink blooming dwarf variety B&B $99.00

RHODOTYPOS scandens (syn. rhodotypos tetrapetala) - Jet Bead, white single bloom, black berries that hold, sun or shade, not well enough known, tolerates poor conditions 4'-5' Z4  2 gal. $39.95, 4 gal. $49.95  B&B available

RHUS (Sumac)
R. aromatica 'Gro-Low' - small yellow flowers, followed by red hairy fruit, good ground cover 2 1/2' tall by 6' wide, fragrant $34.00
R. typhinus lacinata (Cutleaf Staghorn Sumac) - foliage finely divided almost fern looking, best fall foliage color, grows anywhere, 15' tall, lovely to use in oriental or water gardens. Z3 3 gal size $26.00 B&B available
RIBES aurea (clove bush) - old fashioned shrub, yellow bloom, fragrant $39.05
Salix 'French Pussy Willow' - likes wet areas (ask for availability)
S. 'Fantail Willow' - branch tips are flatten and curled, 2gal. $24.95

SAMBUCUS (Elderberry)
S. canadensis- clusters of white bloom, edible berries, native Z3 4 gal. $38.95

SORBARIA SORBIFOLIA - (Ural false spirea) - lovely white bloom in July & Aug., lacy foliage, looks tropical, sun or shade 5', 2 gal $20.00 and up, & B&B    more information    more information2

SPIREA more info (limited numbers per variety)
(Note: those marked + will continually bloom if deadheaded) 2 gal. size
S. arguta Compacta - airy, white, Spring bloom, dwf 2'-3' Z4 $19.95
S. cineria 'Grefsheim' - white bloom prior to Van Houtti Z4 $19.95
S. Billardi+ - pink plumes, 3 to 4" Z4, July-Aug. $16.50
S. j. 'Shibori' - clusters of pink, rose and white bloom, 3' tall, Z4 2 gallon $19.95
S. prunifolia - white button sprays spring, true bridal wreath 4' Z4 $24.95
S. thunbergii - earliest, white sprays before foliage forms 4' Z4 $25.00

S. jap.'Golden Elf' - very dwarf 6"-9"tall, gold foliage spirea, small pink bloom that repeats sporatically, 24" wide, tolerant of drought. 1gal. $14.00

S. t. 'Fuji Pink' - pale pink bloom very early $22.00 limited
S. x Van Houttei 'Renaissance' - commonly called Bridal Wreath, 6' tall, white spring bloom $28.95

STEPHANANDRA INCISA CRISPA shade- dwarf fountain shape 1 1 /2 ' tall x 3', lacy foliage, tolerates wet, dry shade and slightly acid soil Z4 2 gal. $19.50

SYMPLOCOS paniculata(Sapphire Berry) - rare and hard to find shrub, beautiful white fragrant bloom in May/June, produces the most magnificent bright blue berry clusters for late summer and fall, one reason it is called Sapphire berry, 2' gal. $65.00

SYMPHORICARPOS ORBICULATUS (Coral Berry) - sprays of pur./red berries persist through winter, sun or shade, dry or wet, 3' native Z4 $18.50

Lilacs have many species all with different bloom periods, Vulgaris (known as French or Common) being the most widely planted, blooming in late April. You can have bloom from the first of April till June by planting different varieties. These listed are all blooming size shipped bare root in March or October. Sizes listed are mature growth estimates. All lilacs are fragrant, the most fragrant marked F. All are Z3 unless noted. Container (5 gal. size and up) price listed. All are blooming size. B&B priced at nursery.

Syringa x chinensis 'Saugeana' (Chinese Lilac)-lav. earliest bloom, most graceful fragrant, 6' Z4 $29.95
S. x c. 'Rothomagensis' (Persian Lilac) - lav. pink, early bloom, fragrant, 6'-7' Z4 $29.95
S. x c. 'Lilac Sunday' - single pale lavender bloom, but flower panicles are produced along the branch, so arching branches form 2' long flower stems, Z4, $36.00
S. meyeri 'Palabin'  Dwarf Korean shade- purple, lovely foliage, no suckers or mildew, fragrant, 3', tolerates shade , Dwf. $34.00
S. m. ‘Korean’ Standards - 5' Z4 $92.00
S. 'Tinkerbelle- Dwf, pk bloom like Korean (Fairy Tale series) $36.00
S. 'Tinkerbelle' (standard form) - lilac 'Tinkerbelle' grafted on a 4' standard $89.00  5' B&B $119.00
S. patula Miss Kim shade- pale lilac fl. 5' burgandy fall foliage tolerates shade, dwarf, 4 gal. $42.00, 8 gal. $56.00
S. v. 'Arch McKean' - red/purple, no suckers, fragrant, 8' $46.00
S. v. 'Beauty of Moscow' - double bloom pink, 8' B&B only

S. v. 'Charles Joly' - fragrant double wine red bloom, 12' tall max. $42.00
S. v. 'Ellen Willmott' - dbl white bl, 10’ $44.00
S. v. ‘Little Boy Blue’ - single sky blue, 4' compact $36.00
S. v. 'Madame Lemoine' - double bloom white, 8' $36.00
S. v. 'Monge' - single dark red/purple $36.00
S. v. 'President Greevy' - double lilac blue bloom, 10', Z3 $39.95
S. v. 'Primrose' - single pale yellow, 10' $46.00
S. v. 'Sensation' - single purple, each fl. has distinctive white edge, 8' $46.95
S. v. 'Wedgewood Blue' - lg. true blue bloom, 6', F $39.95
S. v. 'Wonderblue' - dwf. single sky blue 4’-5’ $39.95
S. v. 'Yankee Doodle' - deep dark single purple, large clusters, fragrant 8' $39.95
S. v. x h. 'Maiden's Blush' - light pink, early bloom 5' $39.95
S. x 'Josee'- pink clusters rebloom all summer, fragrant, 6' tll, performs well in heat, 1 gal $29.95
S. x p. 'Donald Wyman' - single later than french lav. Z2 $39.95
S. x p. 'Minuet' - dwarf to 6', single lav. pink bloom, slow growing Z2 $49.95
S. x p. 'Miss Canada' - single clear pink, June bloom Z2 $46.00
S. x penda 'Bloomerang' - everblooming lavender lilac, appoximately 4' tall max, fragrant, small foliage, no mildew, 2 gal. $46.00
S. reticulata (Amurensis Jap.) Japanese Tree Lilac masses of creamy blooms, June, last to bloom, fragrant. Single trunk or Clump form available Z4 6 B&B $110.00 & up  more information
S. r. 'Ivory Silk' - creamy white, single trunk Fragrant Z4 8-10 B&B $179.00

Prices are for 2' to 4' size, unless noted otherwise. Most tolerate part shade and all have good fall color, various B&B sizes available. more information

V. acerifolium - native variety with small maple shapped foliage, white lacy bloom with blue berries, good fall foliage color, for wet or dry shady areas - 7 gal. $62.00
V. x bodnantense Pink Dawn - fragrant pink bloom, red fall foliage 6'-10' Z5 B&B only, Limited
V. x burkwoodii 'Mohawk'- white ball bloom fragrant 5'-6' Z4 B&B only
V. carlcephalum - fragrant white clusters of waxy flowers open from pink buds, long lasting bloom, grey green foliage 8' tall max. Z3 B&B $65.00 & up
V. 'Cayuga' - abundant pink buds open to fragrant waxy white flowers in late April, compact growth 5' tall, dark green foliage, Z5 $26.95
V. dentatum Arrowwood - fall color with red berries 6'-8' Z2 B&B $42.00
V. dentatum Autumn Jazz - blue berries; yellow, orange, red, & burgundy fall foliage, 8, 5 gal, $46.00 more information
Viburnum dentatum 'Blue Muffin' - spring white bloom, blue berries, red and yellow fall foliage, dwarf 5' tall, 3 1/2' wide Z3-9, 5 gal, $46.95

V. dentatum 'Bractatum' - largest blue berries of the dentatum varieties, rarer variety 5 gal $42.00, B&B available
V. dentatum Chicago Lustre - metallic blue berries 6'-10' Z3 $28.00
V. dentatum 'Moonglow' - light green foliage, 5 gal. $42.95,  B&B $69.95
V. dentatum Northern Burgandy - burgundy fall foliage Z3, 5 gal, $46.00
V. dentatum 'Red Feather' - young foliage is reddish and edge looks like a feather, 5 gal, $52.00
V. dilatum 'Cardinal Candy' - clusters of largest red berries  B&B $69.95 & up
V. dilatatum Erie - photo of bloom -red fruit, 6', Z4, container, $29.95 B&B $42.95
V. juddii - fragrant white balls 6'-8' Z4   5 gal. $89.95
V. lantana 'Mohican' - orange/red fruit, good hedge 6' Z3 $36.00 container; B&B $42.00 & up
V. lantana (Wayfaring tree) - black fruit, tolerates dry, 10' Z3 $22.00 container; B&B $42.00 & up.
V. lantana variegata aurea - yellow splash variegated foliage, 4 gal. $32.95
V. lentago (Nannyberry Viburnum) - shrub or small tree 15' Z2 $24.00 container; B&B $42.00 & up.
V. macrocephalum (Chinese Snowball Viburnum) - huge white ball blooms in May-June, semi-evergreen foliage, 6' - 10' when mature. 3 gal.  $48.00 B&B available  photo2   more information
V. nudum ‘Winterthur’ - shiny green foliage, red to blue berries, purple fall foliage $42.00
V. opulus 'Sterilis' - old fashioned Snowball bush 8'-12' Z3, 5 gal, $42.00  B&B $69.95 & up
V. opulus Xanthocarpum - yellow fruit, red fall foilage, 8 $46.00 Limited
V. plicatum 'Kern's Pink' - pink bloom, bronze spring foliage, 15'  B&B $68.95
V. plicatum Newport - double bloom white bloom dwf. 4' Z5 $39.95 and up
V. plicatum Mary Milton - pink ball shaped blooms age white, 8 upright form, B&B $79.95
V. plicatum Popcorn - white ball bloom, dwarf, 5’, Z4 3 gal. $29.95  B&B $56.00
V. plicatum tomentosum 'Pink Beauty' - white bloom turns pink, red to purple fruit, 5'-8' tall, Z5 4 gallon $46.95
V. plicatum t. Rotundifolium - round leaf, upright form, wine fall foliage 4 gal. $49.95 B&B $62.00
V. plicatum t. Mariesii - 8' Z5 3 gallon $24.00
V. plicatum t. Shasta - large, double, white bloom 10' Z6 4 gal. $46.00
V. plicatum t. Shoshoni - 8' $36.00
V. plicatum t. 'Watanabe' (syn. V. p. 'Summer Snowflake')shade- dense compact 5' continuous lace-cap white bloom, shade, 5', $56.00
V. prunifolium (Blackhaw) - blue fruit can be used for preserves $24.00 12' Z3 B&B $38.00
V. rhytidophyllum species - true leatherleaf, long, narrow veined foliage, 12'- 15' tall, 6 gal. $79.00
V. rhytidophyllum 'Willow Wood' (leatherleaf) - 12' semi evergreen Z5 4 gallon $39.95
V. rhytidophyllum Allegany - 10' Z5 4 gal. $39.95  4' - 5' $72.00
V. x 'Select D' - glossy leathery foliage, white bloom, yellow to red to black fruit, 8'-10' tall, Z4 3 gallon $48.95, B&B available
V. rhytidophyllum x 'Pragense' - dark green shinny evergreen foliage, pink bud to creamy white fragrant flowers in April, very winter and wind tolerant, upright and oval reaching 8', Z5 $28.95, 4 gal. $48.95
V. 'Oneida' - May bloom with some summer flowering, red fruit, 10' tall, 3 gallon $29.95
V. rufidulum Royal Guard - blue berries, burgundy fall foliage 10' - 12' , sun or shade, Z5 2 gal. $28.00; B&B 4'-4.5' tall $98.00    photo2     photo3
V. setigerum shade- needs some shade, best red berries 6' Z5 B&B $76.00, 5 gal. $59.95
V. trilobum (American Cranberry) - 8' - 12' Z2 3 gal. $32.00 & up.
V. trilobum 'Wentworth' - heavy fruiting form with large red edible berries, 10'-12' tall, excellent red fall foliage Z2-7  5 gallon $46.00

V. utile 'Conoy' - glossy leatheryfoliage, fragrant white spring bloom, 5'-6'; max, 4 gal. $72.00
V. uitile 'Eskimo - large snowball bloom, non-fragrant 4'-5' Z4 2 gal. $38.00

V. agnus castus (Chaste Tree) - blue bloom Aug. 6' Z6 4 gal. $62.00 & B&B   more information
V. latifolia Silverspire - white bloom, 4 gal $59.95 Sold Out

(B&B sizes available)
W. praecox 'April Snow' - a new cultivar with pure white spring bloom, and dark green foliage. 4'-6' tall max. 2 gal. $36.50
W. florida 'Wine and Roses' - burgandy-purple foliage, rosy-pink bloom, 4'-5' tall, Z4 3 gallon $29.95
W. f. 'Brotzman's Select' - new introduction by our friend Tim, beautiful variegated foliage and red bloom, lovely all season, 4 gal. $36.95
W. f. 'Carnaval' - pink, white & red bloom, 4'-5' tall Z4 3 gal. $26.95
W. f. 'My Monet' - green and white foliage, pink bloom spring to summer, dwarf, 12"-18", Z4, 1 gal. $24.99

W. f. 'My Monet Sunset' - variegated foliage in orange, green & white, pink bloom 1 gal. $24.99

GUARANTEE: Each order we send will be filled with stock of fine quality, packed with care to reach you in good live growing condition. If you are not entirely satisfied, return it at once for refund minus postage.

We are not responsible to replace plants that have failed due to conditions beyond our control such as possible neglect, weather, growing conditions or the lack of experience on the part of the gardener.

A Word About Native Plants: We offer many native varieties because we like them, but we do not collect them from the wild. We grow them from cuttings or seeds, and are listed as Native.

Prices subject to change.

All Material © Mary's Plant Farm

To order, go here: How to Order, or email with your questions.

Last updated April 16, 2018