2410 Lanes Mill Road Hamilton, Ohio 45013 phone: 513-894-0022 fax: 513-892-2053 |
MARY'S NEWSLETTERS 2002 Newsletter here! CATALOG |
TREES We can not ship roses, trees and shrubs any more this spring, but we are taking orders for this fall and next spring 2003. If an order is placed, we will not charge your account till the week prior to shipping. Orders placed early are put in the system to assure the item you request will be available. Some plants are in limited quantity and sell out quickly. The sizes of plants sold are not young transplants, but field grown plants ready to go into the landscape: the same plants that are sold directly at the nursery. We do not pot all plants in gallon size containers, but pot them in the correct size container for the root system and its required growing space.
As catalog serves both mail order and Plant Farm visitors, B&B (balled & burlapped) trees are not for mail order. Varying sizes available at nursery and priced accordingly. Understory trees are those which will grow under another tree's canopy. ACER (Maple) A. 'Buergerianum' (Trident Maple) - tight form, can be used for hedging, but will reach 25' tall, small foliage, 3 gal. size $24.00 A. ginnala (Amur maple) 1 gal. $12.00 A. palmatum Rosea Marginata (Butterfly) - varigated green & white with pink edge B&B $225.00 A. platanoides 'Crimson King'-dark red foilage 7 cont. $75.00 9 B&B $125.00 A. p. Variegata - green & white foliage with pink edge in spring 7 Cont. $75.00 9 B&B $125.00 A. griseum (Paperbark Maple) - exfoliating bark, 6-7B&B $159.00 AESCULUS A. pavia (Red Horse Chestnut) - red bloom, 5-6 B&B $125.00 A. briota - pink bloom 6-7 $58.00 3' A. glabra - white bloom, native $46.00 3' ALNUS (European Alder) - likes wet areas, good windbreak 9-10', B&B $120.00 and up AMELANCHEIR - Native (Downy Serviceberry, Shadblow, Juneberry, Shadbush, Sarvis-tree; for more info see: http://www.mallorn.com/pom/Apr97/) A. canadensis - earliest spring white bloom, clump form, understory 2 gal $18.00 B&B $69.00 and up A. Autumn Brilliance - tree form, best fall color and berries, 20, Z3 B&B $98.00 A. alnifolia 'Regent' - early spring large white bloom sprays produce purple to black edible fruit, dwarf variety 4' - 6' tall, mounded form, drought tolerant, Z 2-7 $18.95 A. laevis - single trunk trees, 25' max, Z4, 10'-12' B&B $149.00 ARALIA ELATA (Angelica Tree) - 12', sprays of wh. bloom and berries in 2 gal. $24.50 Aug. 12 tall, tropical looking, rare, Z5 B&B $69.00 BEECH see FAGUS BETULA NIGRA (River Birch) - clump form, exfoliating bark 6 B&B $79.00 & up CRATAEGUS LAEVIGATA 'Superba' (Crimson Cloud Hawthorne) -resistant to leaf spot, ultimate height 15' Z4 5'-6' B&B $89.00 CARPINUS (Hornbeam) C. Betulus Fastigiata - ornamental or for pleached allees Z2 B&B $169.00 C. B. Pendula - weeping hornbeam, rare, Z4 B&B $179.00 CERCIDIPHYLLUM (Katsura Tree) more information C. japonicum - beautiful blue-green, graceful foliage with gorgeous fall color. Rare 4' - 5' Z4 B&B $139.00 C. japonicum 'Pendula' - Weeping Katsura - 5 gal. $89.00 (SOLD OUT) , B&B $179.00 & up (IN STOCK). CERCIS (Redbud), C. alba - green foliage, white bloom 5-6 B&B B&B $125.00 C. canadensis - native 2 gal. $24.00 B&B $125.00 C. canadensis 'Covey' (weeping redbud) - weeping form, pink bloom B&B $225.00 and up C. canadensis 'Forest Pansy' - purple foliage, pink bloom 5-6 B&B $125.00 & up C. canadensis 'Silver Cloud' - variegated foliage, pink bloom B&B $175.00 and up more information more information2 CHIONANTHUS - native C. virginicus (White Fringe) multi-stem, good understory tree 4 $42.00 6 B&B $99.00 C. retusus - exfoliating bark, smaller foliage, rare 6 B&B $89.00 & up CLADRASTIS C. kentuckea 'Perkins Pink' - sprays of pink bloom RARE, B&B $379.00 C. lutea (Yellowwood)- sprays of cream bloom 6-7 B&B $179.00 CLERODENDRON (Glorybower) - large leaves (malodorous when bruised), sprays of rose red blossoms, that open to show a vibrant blue berry, gorgeous. Can be prunned to the ground. Z5 2 gal. size $28.95 CORNUS (Dogwood) C. florida - White bloom, native 6 B&B $72.00 C. f. - Pink bloom, native 6 B&B $78.00 C. f. 'Cherokee Sunset' - pink, green and yellow foliage in spring, red bloom B&B (5'-6' size) $169.0 C. f. ' Cherokee Brave' - variegated foliage, white bloom B&B (5'-6' size) B&B $169.00 C. f. 'First Lady' - variegate yellow and green foliage, white bloom B&B (4'-6' size) $169.00 C. kousa - white bloom, large red raspberry like fruit 2 gal. $28.50 C. k. 'Lustgarten Weeping' - grafted 4'-5' standard, rare B&B $299.00 C. k. 'Satomi' - pink bloom 3 gal. $48.00 6-7 B&B $169.00 C. k. 'Milky Way' - large white blooms in June B&B (4'size) $120.00 C. k. 'Wolf Eyes' - wavy green and white foliage; white bloom; 4' B&B $239.95 COTINUS - see SHRUB LISTING ELAEGNUS, Umbellata (Autumn Olive), silver foliage, fragrant bloom, red berries for birds, native Z4 1 gal. $26.00 EUONYMUS Atropurpureus (Spindle Tree/Wahoo) - good understory tree, red fruit and fall foliage, native, Z4 1 gal. $26.00 E. Americanus - same as above, scarlet fruit, very different 1 gal. $26.00 FAGUS (Beech)-all are spectacular and tolerate dryness & pruning B&B only F. Sylvatica-green foliage 7 $110.00 F. S. Penduala - weeping green foliage 8-9 $179.00 F. S. Hetrophylla 'Asplenifolium' -very lacinated green foliage10-12 $259.00 F. S. Purple Fountains (Copper Weeping) -purple 6-7 $159.00 F. S. P. Riversi (Copper Beech) dark purple/copper foliage 10 $269.00 F. S. Roseo Marginata (Tri-Color) - pur/grn, pink & wh varigated 6 $145.00 & up F. S. Dawyckii (Columnar)-green foliage, upright 12-14 $245.00 F. S. Zlatia (Golden)- golden foliage 10 $210.00 F. S. Rohani - undulating copper foliage, columnar form 6-7 $219.00 FRANKLINIA - acid loving moist, protect from wind, wh. bloom Aug. 4'-5' B&B $220.00 more information GINKGO - beautiful foliage, ancient tree, gold fall color 5 gal. $48.00 HALESIA more information) H. Carolina (Carolina Silver Bell) - good understory tree, any soil, part shade, moist, Z3 6 B&B $119.00 H. Monticola (Mountain Silver Bell) - larger foliage, wh. bloom 6 B&B $89.00 HEPTACODIUM miconioides (Seven Sons Flower) - fragrant white bloom in late summer produce scarlet red petals around a seed pod for fall, Z4-9 B&B $225.00 more information KOELREUTERIA Paniculata (Gold Rain Tree) - yl. bloom sprays Z5 2 gal. $29.95 LARCH (LARIX, decidious evergreen) - soft lovely green blue green needles 2 gal. $39.95 L. Weeping - 6 standard B&B $199.00 LABURNUM (Golden Chain Tree) - lovely yellow wisteria like bloom, protect from wind 7 $65.00 CAN NOT MAIL ORDER LIQUIDAMBAR, Styraciflua Varigata (Variegated Sweetgum) - yl. & green foliage, Z5 8' B&B $135.00 LIRIODENDRON TULIPFERA (Tulip Poplar)- green/yellow cupped bloom, May, native 5-6 B&B $89.00 MAGNOLIA (these are all bushy full, blooming size trees) M. loebneri 'Leonard Messel' - pink bloom April, fragrant, reblooms, frost resistant, Z5 6-7 B&B $135.00 M. grandiflora 'Edith Bogue' - cold hardiest southern magnolia, evergreen foliage, white bloom, fragrant, 30 max. Z4 4 gal size (5') $89.00 M. stellata 'Centennial' - very double pale pink flowers, B&B $159.00 M. stellata 'Royal Star' - wh. bloom, buds are frost resistant, Z5 7 B&B $99.00 M. stellata Hybrid Pink - dark pink bloom, April, frost resistant Z5 7 B&B $109.00 M. souleangiana Hybrids- early pink bloom, Z5 6 B&B $69.00 and up M. sieboldii - cup shaped single white bloom with red center stamens Z6 B&B $110.00 M. x. 'Galaxy' - hybrid dark purple upright liliflora blooms, B&B $165.00 M. x. 'Elizabeth' - upright yellow flowers, B&B $189.00 M. virginia (Sweet Bay) - summer, white bloom fragrant, Z5 5B&B $89.00 & up MALUS - These new varieties are disease resistant, small glossy, hard fruit that holds till freezing, and softens for the birds in winter. Ultimate height listed. Container $49.00 & up B&B 1 1/2-2" caliper $72.00 - $149.00 M. 'Camelot' - fuschia on white bloom, 10', burgundy fruit M. 'Candied Apple' - weeping variety pink bud, white bloom, masses of red fruit, 10'-15' round head M. 'Golden Raindrops' - cut leaf, white bloom, tiny golden yl. fruit 18' M. Lancelot (Standard) - red bud white bloom, gold fruit, 6 standard M. 'Pink Spire' - for narrow places, pink bloom, 15'-20' upright M. 'Prairiefire' - reddest bloom available, dwarf, 15'-20' upright & rounded M. 'Sugar Tyme' - small variety, buds pink, white bloom, 15' M. 'Jewel Berry' - grows to 10', pink buds white bloom, masses of tiny glossy fruit M. 'Red Jade' - weeping variety, white bloom, red fruit, 12' x 12' M. 'Red Jewel' - white bloom, long lasting red fruit, 15' upright pyramidal M. 'Royalty' - red foliage and bloom, 15' upright, round M. 'Red Baron' - narrow, columnar, dk. red fl. foliage purple, 18' M. 'Strawberry Parfait' - fragrant pk. bloom, fruit yellow with red blush NYSSA sylvatica (Black Gum) - beautiful native tree, gorgeous fall foliage color, pyramidal form, 30', bluish black fruit in fall for birds 5' B&B $74.00 OSTRYA, Virginica (Ironwood or Hop Hornbeam) - 10', native, tolerates dry and shade, Z3 12-14 B&B $89.00 & up OXYDENDRUM Arboreum(Sourwood) - small white bloom Aug., brilliant scarlet fall foliage, Native 4'5' B&B $69.00 & up more information PARROTIA persica - small tree, ultimate hgt.15', full sun, any soil, excellent fall color, understory tree 4-5 B&B $79.00 more information more information2 PYRUS 'Autumn Blaze' - white bloom, fall foliage red, this superior to 'Bradford' pear, will withstand heavy winds 6-7 B&B $99.00 QUERCUS robur 'Fastigiata' (Upright English Oak) - very narrow-growing max. spread 5', low branching oak, can reach 60' tall, RARE 5' B&B $249.00 more information more information2 ROBINIA Pseudoacacia 'Rosea' (Pink Flowering Locust) - 6' max, pink boom May 1 gal. $16.00 SORBUS S. Alnifolia (Korean Mountain Ash) - upright growth, wh. bloom in May, scarlet berries in Sept., lovely, Z4 $69.00 more information S. Decora (Showy Mountain Ash) - round form, white bloom, large/orange red fruit Z2 7-8' B&B $98.00 STYRAX JAPONICA (Jap. Snowbell) - small wh. bell shaped bloom, understory tree Z3 5 $82.00 & up more information more information more information STEWARTIA PSUEDOCAMELLIA - white camellia like blooms, June, lovely fall color 6 B&B $89.00 TILIA (Linden) T. Cordata 'Greenspire' - nice shade tree 6 B&B $69.00 & up T. 'Sterling Silver' - silver backed foliage 7-8 B&B $89.00 & up XANTHOCERAS sorbifolium, (Yellowhorn) - unusual, rare understory tree, blooming in late spring with 1" long 5 petaled white blooms with yellow to red basel, on 6" - 10" racemes. Semi-shade or full sun, prefers well drained soil. 18' - 24' tall upright form, Z 4 - 7 B&B $69.00 more information |
GUARANTEE: Each order we send will be filled with stock of fine quality, packed with care to reach you in good live growing condition. If you are not entirely satisfied, return it at once for refund minus postage. A Word About Native Plants: We offer many native varieties because we like them, but we do not collect them from the wild. We grow them from cuttings or seeds, and are listed as Native. Prices subject to change. |
All Material © Mary's Plant Farm, 2000, 2001, 2002.
To order, go here: How to Order, or email with your questions.
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Last updated 2002 November 11.
See A Woodland Rose Garden for Kent Krugh's garden.